Altador Plot Solutions - Part 12 - Gatherer

1. Beginning
2. Observatory
3. Sleeper
4. Dreamer
5. First to Rise
6. Farmer
7. Dancer
8. Wave
9. Gladiator
10. Collector
11. Thief
12. Gatherer
13. Protector
14. Hunter
15. Conclusion
16. Prizes
Constellation Finder
Healing the Vaeolus
Water Plant Guide
Gears Guide
Spellbook Finder

Part 12 - Gatherer

Follow the instructions carefully to complete Altador Plot Part 12.

NOTE: When completing all of these steps, be sure to press the "CONTINUE" button!!!

99. Go to the Farm , Docks , or Rock Quarry , then click on the Vaeolus (the petpet). It will be hiding in one of the three locations.

Farm Valeous Docks Valeous Quarry Valeous This poor little Vaeolus seems to have had his flames extinguished, and has been severely injured! Perhaps you should take him to the Archivist. He might know what to do.

100. Take him to the Lenny Archivist . Once there, click on the petpet .

Valeous location in Archivist's Office
The archivist says, "Oh my! What a poor little Vaeolus! I wonder what happened to his owner. He seems very ill!"

101. Head to the main room of the Archives and take a look at the bulliten board. The flyer on the far right has changed from advertising the Disco club to advertising the Alchemy Club . Click on it to proceed.

Valeous location in Archivist's Office

102. Once you’re there, click on the medicine.

Alchemy Club Quiggle
"Hmm, so you're looking for medicine, eh? I've got a potion that could help you out... for a price!" The quiggle cackles at you and demands 30,000 neopoints for the medicine! What a jerk!

Don't worry, you don't have to pay 30,000 NP for it. The Lenny Archivist will stop you from buying it. Simply click on the medicine to proceed.

The Quiggle gives you the potion, and reaches out to take your 30,000 neopoints...
Finneus stopping your purchase


The Archivist storms over and swats the Quiggle on the hand. "Hey! No selling of items is allowed in the Archives! Why are you such a troublemaker, anyway?" He mutters angrily and retreats to his office.

Elixir of Petpet Healing
Elixir of Petpet Healing

103. Go to the Colosseum to find the Punch Club.


You will need to find your way in again, so be sure you don’t start at the end of the hour or you’ll get kicked out and have to start over.

104. Once you get in, click the Blueberry Pie, and then click on Continue.

Pie location
You wander over to the pie table and take some blueberry pie.
Blueberry Pie
Blueberry Pie

105. Go to the Restive Tomb , and click on the wood across the door to enter the room.

Wood at Restive Tomb
Mummy gelatin
You enter the creepy old tomb... Oh no! An angry, mummified Gelatinous Non-Cube is roaming around the tomb!

Refresh the page until you see torn bandages at the bottom-right of the Gelatin. Its appearance is random, so just keep refreshing until it appears. Once you see the bandage, click on it as shown in the picture below, and then click on the button to continue.

Torn bandages location

106. Go back to the Archivist and click on the petpet. Choose the correct option depending on what the petpet is doing:

Tongue Out: Feed
Paw Up: Bandage
Paw on Mouth (Green Face): Give medicine
Head Down: Wait

First, click the correct action. After every action, wait for the next minute (use the Neopets clock for the official time). Then click on "Check on Vaeolus" to see the next image. You have to check on the petpet and perform the right action within the same minute. Repeat this process for 10 minutes (10 actions). If you did it right, a Skeith will appear, giving you a certificate for taking care of the petpet.

If you have trouble with this part, read our in-depth guide!

When the Skeith appears, click on Fauna's image in the top left hand corner of the certificate he is holding. The constellation should be illuminated.

Hidden constellation
There seems to be a strange pattern in the watermark on this certificate...

107. Go to the Archivist to get your coordinates updated.

The Archivist

The archivist says, "Ah, the Vaeolus seems to be feeling much better now. He can stay here until he's ready to leave, of course. I'm sure he'd like to get back to his owner!"

"And another clue!" he says. "It seems we draw ever closer to solving this mystery. Quickly, to the observatory!"

108. You now need to visit your telescope and plot it out! Use this tool to easily find your constellation!

Gatherer constellation

109. Once you’ve found it, go check out the ceiling above Fauna’s statue to see the gems lit up.

Gatherer gems

110. Check the Janitor , Astronomy Club Members , and Archivist different citizens and see what they have to say!

The Janitor
The janitor says, "Wow, it's getting really bright in here with all these gems lighting up on the ceiling. Only two left! I wonder if anything special happens when all of them are lit up. Now that would be something to see."
The Astronomy Club

The Astronomy Club members greet you warmly as you enter the room... except the club president, who isn't here.

The Wocky, Korbat, and Buzz approach. "No, we haven't gotten rid of him yet. He left just as we were about to take over. We're gonna wait by the door, and when he comes back in, that's when we'll make our move! Get ready!" They hide by the door, waiting for the club president to return... although it could be a few days.

The Archivist

The archivist says, "It was obvious, really -- Fauna, the Gatherer, protector of Petpets. How fortunate that you happened upon that wounded Vaeolus. He finished his recovery while you were gone, and left to find his owner."

He opens a book on his desk to a particular page. "This is an ancient Altadorian spellbook. It doesn't have any history in it that I could find -- no real surprise there -- but it does have some magics which might have been used as... parts of a larger spell, I suppose. Now, this evidence is rather circumstantial, but the kinds of magics in this book are about hiding knowledge and erasing memories." He flips to the inside cover. Some words are hand-written on the front page:

This book donated to the Altadorian Archives by Jerdana

He swallows, looks around nervously, and whispers to you. "You must keep this secret! If Jerdana were to hear of this, well -- she might kill us, or worse! And that's assuming she even remembers what happened -- she might have made sure that the spell affected her own memory, so that she could honestly deny any knowledge of what she did. At least, until the spell was broken, and then..." He shrugs. "Who knows what machinations she's planning?" He coughs. "Assuming that Jerdana even is the one behind this. She might just be a pawn of Altador's, or some other power entirely... We must be vigilant if we are to survive this."

Then head back to the Book of Ages to read the next part.

Click here to continue on to Part 13 of the Altador Plot.

Written by Hyperknuckles
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