Secret Battledome Challengers

Here, we have a list of guides that will reveal all of the hidden information for secret Battledome challengers, including the weapons they use and how to unlock them.
To find weapons and their item and icon information, use our Items Database.
- Secret Challenger: Benny the Blade (Premium)
- Secret Challenger: Shadow Phantom Tormentor (Premium)
- Secret Challenger: Hulking Wraith (Premium)
- Secret Challenger: Kaia (Premium)
- The Void Within: Void Wyrm
The Void Within
Wraith Resurgence Challengers
- Deathball Wraith Profile
- Hulking Wraith Profile
- Kaia's Profile
- Malum's Profile
- Snapjaw Wraith
- Wind Rider Wraith Profile
Active Challengers
- Advisor Broo
- Balthazar
- Boochi
- Cave Chia
- Chia Clown
- Chiazilla
- Commander Garoo
- Count Von Roo
- Cybunny Scout
- Donny
- Down For Maintenance Pteri
- Edna the Witch
- Evil Sloth Clone
- Eyrieki
- Flaming Meerca
- Ghost Lupe
- Giant Ghostkerchief
- Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby
- Giant Spectral Mutant Walein
- Grarrg
- Greedy Kadoatie
- Harry the Mutant Moehog
- Highland Chia
- Jelly Chia
- Kastraliss
- Kasuki Lu
- Kauvara
- Koi Warrior
- Lab Ray Scientist
- Lady Frostbite
- Lava Ghoul
- Magnus the Torch
- Meerca Henchmen
- Meuka
- Mootix Warrior
- Mr. Chuckles
- Mummy
- Neopets V2
- Pant Devil
- Plumbeard
- Punchbag Bob (Sid)
- Qasalan Mummy
- Quiggle Warlord
- Robo Grarrl
- Ryshu the Nimmo
- S750 Kreludan Defender Robot
- Sabre-X
- Shadow Usul
- Sidney
- Slug Monster
- Snow Beast
- Snow Faerie
- Space Faerie
- Spider Grundo
- Tax Beast
- Tekkitu the Witch Doctor
- The Black Pteri
- The Brain Tree
- The Drenched
- The Esophagor
- The Snowager
- Tiki Tack Man
- Turmaculus
- Valin
- Vira
- Zafara Rogue
Active Challengers (Premium)
- Giant Space Fungus
- Jetsam Ace
- Secret Challenger: Benny the Blade (Premium)
- Secret Challenger: Hulking Wraith (Premium)
- Secret Challenger: Kaia (Premium)
- Secret Challenger: Shadow Phantom Tormentor (Premium)
Curse of Maraqua
- Benny
- Cannon Master
- Captain Scarblade
- Enraged Maraquan Mob
- Garin
- Goregas
- Grand Commander
- King Kelpbeard
- Maraquan Blade Specialist
- Maraquan Charger
- Maraquan Chef
- Maraquan Foot Soldier
- Maraquan Lancer
- Maraquan Sergeant
- Maraquan Shieldmaiden
- Petty Crewmate
- Pirate Avenger
- Pirate Brute
- Pirate Champion
- Pirate First Mate
- Pirate Helmswoman
- Pirate Scout
- Quartermaster
- Ships Cook
- Swordmaster Talek
Hannah a/t Ice Caves
Journey t/t Lost Isle
Lost Desert Plot
Meridell War
- Darigan Elemental
- Drackonack
- Draconian Grarrl
- Draconian Moehog
- Draconian Skeith
- Green Knight
- Jeran
- King Skarl
- Lisha
- Lord Darigan
- Morris
- Peasant Militia Mob
- Skeith Defender
- Spectre of Lord Darigan
- The Castle Defender
- The Horde
- Zombified Heroes
Meridell War II
Neggbreaker Challengers
Obelisk War
- Amateur Insider
- Apathy
- Assistant Scientist
- Back Alley Bruiser
- Brutal Mercenary
- Charming Subversive
- Commander Flint
- Cunning Mastermind
- Death
- Envy
- Genius Inventor
- Ghostly Knight
- Greed
- Grumpy Mummy
- Hedgewitch
- Kanrik, Master Thief
- Lanie and Lillie
- Licensed Conjurer
- Master Wizard
- Midnight Smuggler
- Minor Warlock
- Nefarious Plotter
- Petty Pilferer
- Pride
- Professor Lambert
- Rasala the Bright
- Rent-a-Brute
- Roadside Bandit
- Shady Prowler
- Smug Philosopher
- Stalwart Explorer
- The Duchess
- Unchained Monster
- Unyielding Sentinel
- Wrath
- Zombie Hooligan
Old Challengers
Return of Dr. Sloth
- Garoo Elite Junior Squadron
- Garoo Elite Specialist Riilan
- Garoo Elite Strike Commanders
- Mutant Grundo Scouts
- Primary Grundo Bot RZ894
- Virtupets Militia
Tale of Woe
- Bennie the Jub
- Black Elm
- Blathering Beech
- Creeping Shadows
- Disgruntled Townspeople
- Furious Stones
- Herman Dorfdrap
- Macabre Stones
- Malevolent Shadow
- Mayor Thumburt
- Mayor Thumburt (final form)
- Mayor Thumburt (second form)
- Ominous Stones
- Savage Sycamore
- Shrieking Shadows
Faerie's Ruin
- Oblivion
- Shadow Phantom Annihilator
- Shadow Phantom Brute
- Shadow Phantom Commander
- Shadow Phantom Conqueror
- Shadow Phantom Destroyer
- Shadow Phantom Fury
- Shadow Phantom Minion
- Shadow Phantom Tormentor
- Shadow Phantom Zealot
- Shadow Spectre Brute
- Shadow Spectre Conqueror
- Shadow Spectre Destroyer
- Shadow Spectre Fury
- Shadow Spectre Minion
- Shadow Spectre Zealot
- Shadow Wraith Brute
- Shadow Wraith Fury
- Shadow Wraith Minion

Next sleep in 1h, 16m, 32s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST