Faerie Abilities

With the rise of the new battledome, Faerie abilities and blessings have been revamped! Here you will everything you need to know about these new powers, and how you can get them!

How to Use Faeries and Abilities

Step 1: Get bottled faeries

First, you need to obtain a bottled faerie. There are four ways to get bottled faeries:

  • Buy bottled faeries from the Magic Shop
  • Win them as rewards from the battledome
  • Win them as prizes from certain games
  • Combine three different types of Fading Bottled Faerie essences to create one Weak Bottled Faerie at the Cooking Pot

Step 2: Bless your pet with bottled faeries

To bless your pet, simply select your desired Bottled Faerie from your inventory, and choose which pet you wish to bless.

The Blessing

Battle Faerie

Upon releasing this faerie from her bottle, she grants 'Name' the following blessings:

Element (fire, water, air, earth, light or dark): 1

"Take your blessings to Aethia and train your abilities for use in the Battledome!", she says.

The faerie vanishes in a puff of smoke and is gone!

Weak Bottled Faeries grant 1-2 blessings of their respective elements. Unidentifiable Bottled Faeries grant blessings randomly among the 6 elements.

Step 3: Train your abilities

Visit Aethia's Ability Academy to spend your blessings on training abilities. Here, you can see how many blessings you have for each element and what abilities are available to you.

You can purchase abilities with the blessings. The cost of the ability is displayed on the right side of the ability icon. To purchase an ability, make sure your desired pet is selected at the top. The selected pet is slightly larger than the others. (In the example above, the Uni is selected.) Then, click on the icon of the ability or abilities you would like to purchase. Then, scroll down and click "Train These Abilities." Aethia will train your selected pet in the selected abilities, and they'll be ready for you to use in the Battledome!

Abilities are arranged in tiers according to levels. If your pet is above the level requirement, the ability will be available for you to train. You can click on a locked tier to see what abilities are available, but you will not be able to train them.

You can train your pet in one ability per tier. (This means you can only learn one ability per level group.) If you wish to learn a different ability in the same tier, simply choose it and train it; you will however "unlearn" your old ability. Once your pet is trained in an ability in a certain tier, the other abilities are available for training at half the original cost.

Step 4: Use the abilities in the Battledome

Next, all you need to do is use the abilities in the Battledome! Just select an ability to use with your weapons and click "Fight!" Scroll down or click here to see what each of the abilities do.

The Faeries


Here is the list of abilities. Please note that all of the abilites are currently in their BETA stage. These abilities can be subject to change at any times, and bugs may occur. To see the status of the Beta stage, visit TNT's Beta News page.

The Battlepedia team recommends the abilities that are highlighted. However, some battlers prefer different abilities in each tier, so feel free to choose for yourself.

Special thanks to _mariokart_ for his kind permission in using his page.

Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
1 light iconlight iconlight icon
Free! None

Attack your opponent with earth damage... this kind of thing does tend to linger.

earth icon earth icon
Free! 1 Round This ability inflicts 2 earth icons upon use, and another 2 earth icons the next round.

Controlling the weather takes some time, but the extra water damage could be worth it.

water iconwater iconwater iconwater icon
Free! 1 Round Nothing happens on the first round of activation; damage is inflicted on your next turn after use.
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
5 Bandage

Heal yourself for a few hit points. Every little bit helps, wouldn't you say?

heart icon 5 HP earth icon 2 Once Per Battle

With a little focus, your healing can last a bit longer.

heart icon 4 HP air icon 2 4 Rounds Heals heart icon 4 HP upon use, and has a 50% chance (probability is uncertain) to heal another heart icon 4 HP on the next round for a total of heart icon 4 or 8 HP.
Defends 5 icons of 3 icon types randomly selected from [dark iconlight iconearth iconair iconwater iconfire icon] dark icon 2 4 Rounds
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
10 Cranky

You wield your weapons with a bit more force while perturbed.

Adds 5% to your total damage for that turn fire icon4 Once Per Battle

Your lethargy seems contagious and your opponent's enthusiasm drains.

Reduces the total damage taken by 5% air icon 4 Once Per Battle
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking grants you a bonus to healing.

heart icon 5% of current HP (overheal) light icon 4 Once Per Battle Overheals 5% of your start of turn HP.
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
25 water iconwater iconwater iconwater iconwater iconwater icon water icon 10 None

Inflict fire damage upon your opponent. It takes a while to put it out.

fire iconfire iconfire iconfire icon fire icon 10 2 Rounds This ability inflicts 4 fire icon icons, then another 4 fire icon icons the next round for a total of 8 fire icon.
Irritable Minions
Irritable Minions

Summon your dark minions to attack your opponent... eventually.

dark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icon dark icon 10 10 Rounds Nothing happens on the first round of activation; damage is inflicted on your next turn after use. Occasionally, this ability has no effect at all. (Testing)
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
50 Throw Pillows
Throw Pillows

Use these to let your opponent know it's nap time.

snowflake icon 100% air icon 15 Once per day (resets at midnight) Prevents your opponent from using weapons during the round of use.
snowflake icon 100% light icon 15 Once per battle Prevents your opponent from using weapons during the round of use.

Silence your opponent. It's hard to cast spells when you can't speak.

Makes it so your opponent cannot use any Faerie Abilities during the same turn. earth icon 15 Once per battle If opponent's blocked ability is once-per-battle, opponent will not be able to use that ability again for the remainder of the battle.
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
100 Shroud

Increase your resistance to dark, fire, and earth.

None earth icon 6
fire icon 6
dark icon 8
Unknown Neopians hypothesize that this ability is broken in some way, and someday TNT will fix it. Until then, it just does nothing.

Increase your resistance to light, water, and air.

20% of air iconwater iconlight icon air icon 6
water icon 6
light icon 8
Once per battle
Blocks 100% of 3 random icons (excluding physical) light icon 6
dark icon 6
earth icon 8
Once per battle When dark is one of the 3 icons, it appears to be blocked in the Combat Log, but no damage is actually blocked.
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
200 Tempest

Send your opponents to the eye of the storm and see how long it takes them to get out.

air iconair iconair iconair iconair iconair icon
snowflake icon100%
earth icon 15
air icon 25
Once per day Prevents your opponent from using weapons during the round of use.
Snowager's Breath
Snowager's Breath

Create a very thick, icy prison around your opponent... as long as it doesn't miss, that is.

Unknown chance snowflake icon water icon 25
light icon 15
Once per day
snowflake icon100% fire icon 15
dark icon 25
Once per battle Prevents your opponent from using weapons during the round of use.
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
300 Healing Fire
Healing Fire

Cleanse with the power of fire!

25 heart icon earth icon 40
fire icon 40
Once per battle
100%heart icon or 5%heart icon water icon 40
light icon 40
Once per battle Only works if you take damage that same turn. Heals 100% if your HP is ABOVE 5% of your max HP. Heals 5% of your max HP if your HP is BELOW 5% of your max.
Drain Life
Drain Life

Steal your opponent's life force and add it to your own.

10%-11% Drain heart icon water icon 40
dark icon 40
Once per battle
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
400 Reflects 67% of icons inflicted to you.air blocked iconearth blocked iconwater blocked iconfire blocked icondark blocked iconlight blocked iconphysical blocked icon light icon 120 Once per battle
Rally Cry
Rally Cry

The fire within you can't be extinguished and you use it freely against your opponent over the course of battle.

fire blocked iconfire blocked iconfire blocked iconfire blocked iconfire blocked iconfire blocked icon fire icon 120 Once per battle Small chance of occurring again on the next round.
Adrenaline Rush
Adrenaline Rush

A rush of adrenaline makes you stronger and more agile. This is pretty useful if you like damaging your opponent.

Deals +8.125% of Total Damage (will show additional icons) water icon 120 Once per battle
Level Ability Effect Cost Cooldown Notes
500 Meepit Stampede
Meepit Stampede

The dark power of a Meepit invasion is yours to control. It doesn't bode well for your opponents, or their damage output.

dark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icondark icon earth icon 60
dark icon 100
Once per day
fire iconfire iconfire iconfire iconfire iconfire iconfire iconfire iconfire iconfire icon earth icon 60
fire icon 100
Once per day
Esophagor Stench
Esophagor Stench

The earthy stench of the Esophagor, which can distract your opponents quite easily, is at your disposal. Disposal being the key word here.

earth iconearth iconearth iconearth iconearth iconearth iconearth iconearth iconearth iconearth icon earth icon 60
water icon 100
Once per day

When used by the 1-P opponents, the 500 level abilities appear to also provide some defense icons. The Battlepedia would like to test these further; if you have a pet over level 500, please Contact Us to arrange a test with a staff member.


Faerie abilities can really help you defeat your opponent in the Battledome. They can give you an edge, but choose wisely when you're selecting the abilities you choose. Good luck!

Remember, this page may be incomplete! If you have any additional info, please Contact Us.

Battle Faerie 222
I look forward to training you in the way of the Faeries.

Credits: Lamppost, Crimson, Demon, Goldi_loks, and _mariokart_.

Written by Staff compiled
Errors or incorrect info? Contact Us
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