Frequently Asked Questions

Due to the large volume of messages that we receive at The Daily Neopets, we've compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

We cannot offer personal assistance with the kinds of questions below. If you have any thoughts related to these questions, sign up and ask at TDN Forums .

Site Questions

Q: How often do you hire staff and how does it work?
A: Team TDN is almost always looking to expand! Our job listings are posted on the Now Hiring page. If you're an active Neopets player and want to help TDN, we encourage you to apply.

Q: I emailed you guys but I have received no response!
A: Sorry about that! We do read and receive all emails sent to us. We cannot individually respond to each and every email unless you have a clear request. If it has been more than 7 days, please send the message again. Please note that we cannot offer individual Neopets support via email.

Q: What should I do if The Daily Neopets goes offline?
A: The Daily Neopets may go offline due to heavy traffic or a network error. Regardless of this, you can always check if our forums are online (since they exist on a separate domain) and watch our social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter .

Q: What's the difference between The Daily Neopets, myTDN, and TDN Forums?
A: myTDN is your account used to access account services like wishlists and counters. Your TDN Forums account is your account located at, used to participate at our Forums . Two separate domains. Two separate accounts.

Q: What was this site made with?
A: The Daily Neopets deploys many different technologies including PHP, MySQL, Ruby, and Python. Our favorite web framework is CodeIgniter.

Content Questions

Q: How can I submit a guide to TDN?
A: Submit it to us via the Contact Form and we'll review it. Be sure to include your Neopets username, so we know who to credit if it's published.

Q: One of your pages is out of date or is wrong!
A: Great! We're glad that you spotted it. Please submit the correction via the Contact Form. Be sure to include the URL of the page that contains incorrect information.

Q: Can I use The Daily Neopets' content on my site?
A: You may not reproduce The Daily Neopets' content without our express written permission. Please submit a message through the Contact Form if you wish to publish something by The Daily Neopets.

Q: Another web site has an article that's identical to The Daily Neopets! I think they're stealing something. What should I do?
A: Please send us a message via the Contact Form with the website's URL.

Q: Will using any guides or cheats on The Daily Neopets get me frozen?
A: No.

Miscellaneous Questions

Q: Is anybody at The Daily Neopets on the Neopets Team?
A: No. We cannot help you with any account issues you have on We are a fan site.

Q: There is something wrong with my Neopets account. What should I do?
A: You will need to contact Neopets directly here .

Q: Will you help me with the Altador Plot? I can't figure out a certain part.
A: We cannot offer individual help for the Altador Plot. Our guide for the Altador Plot has been around for a long time now and we're pretty sure everything is correct. Be sure to pay attention to important details in our steps; you need to complete all of them in sequential order. If you're having a problem, back up and start from the beginning. If all else fails, sign up at TDN Forums and ask away.

Q: Can you teach me HTML or how to code?
A: It takes time and practice to learn HTML. The more and more you write code (with repetition), the easier it will come to you. There are thousands of great HTML tutorials out there. Try a Google search "html tutorial."

Q: Can you make me a custom graphic?
A: The Daily Neopets is not a graphic service.

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