The Wraith Resurgence
Welcome to The Daily Neopets' coverage for The Wraith Resurgence. We will be working hard to provide you with all the help and information possible throughout this plot. Be sure to bookmark this page, as we'll be updating it regularly when new plots and information become available.
Be sure to read each solution carefully so you do not miss out on minor details. Begin at part 1 and work your way up; plots must be completed in a specific order. We've numbered each step in order, so it's easy to follow, read, and understand. Use the table below to start or pick up where you left off.
Neopia's Faerie Festival Celebration has been destroyed after unexpected attacks. The Faeries have now made the Festival location headquarters. Here they are rallying for assistance, planning their resistance and organizing their forces. With the help of Kaia, this mystery will soon be unravelled.


Next sleep in 0h, 56m, 13s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST