Neopets Altador Plot Constellation Finder

1. Beginning
2. Observatory
3. Sleeper
4. Dreamer
5. First to Rise
6. Farmer
7. Dancer
8. Wave
9. Gladiator
10. Collector
11. Thief
12. Gatherer
13. Protector
14. Hunter
15. Conclusion
16. Prizes
Constellation Finder
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The Daily Neopets' Constellation Finder

Yes, The Daily Neopets now has its very own constellation finder. Simply go to your star data , press CTRL + A, and then press CTRL + C to copy the data to your computer's clipboard. Then, put your cursor in the text box below and press CTRL + V to paste the data. Hit "Find Stars" and our finder will tell you exactly where your stars are at.

If you are having trouble drawing the constellations, try using the Add Star function to select each individual star listed, then switch back to Connect Stars to connect them.

Note: Your star data will be updated and more stars will be added as the plot progresses. If you are working through multiple parts in one sitting, you may eventually reach a point where the finder cannot locate certain constellations. Simply paste your updated star data into the box and hit “Find Stars” again to get the coordinates for more constellations.


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