Neopets Key Quest Help and Guides

About Key Quest
Key Quest Tokens
Key Quest Modes
Inviting Friends
Key Quest Tiles
Random Events
Key Quest Boards
Character Cards
Neopian Location Cards
About Alignments
How to Win
Prizes & Vault
Useful Links
Play Key Quest
The Vault
Collector's Case
Key Quest FAQ

Welcome to The Daily Neopets' coverage of the Neopets Key Quest game! We have everything related to the Neopets Key Quest game here including guides, articles, and up to date news to keep you informed with Key Quest. Click the navigation links above to navigate through our Key Quest help section.

Key Quest is a multiplayer board game. In Key Quest, you play against random Neopians or against your Neofriends. In order to win, you have to walk around the Key Quest board, collect keys and be the first one to reach the gate. Winners are awarded keys that they can redeem at the prize vault, plus the amount of Neopoints that they collected during the game. Key Quest is still in development and we will add more information to our coverage as it is released.

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