Defenders of Neopia Guide

Note: The Defenders of Neopia trophies are not working currently while the Battledome is in Beta. TNT has acknowledged this on their Beta News page under Known Issues. Until TNT fixes the trophies, you will not be able to advance in Defenders of Neopia.

This guide is designed to offer some advice on how to beat each of the challengers for Defenders of Neopia Series 1. The stats, abilities and weapons mentioned here are simply some that we recommended - depending on your luck, and fighting style, you may be able to beat them with very different strategies.

Defenders of Neopia (Series 1) Challengers
Pant Devil - Ghost Lupe - Cave Chia - Meuka - The Brain Tree - Commander Garoo - Tekkitu the Witch Doctor - Meerca Henchmen - Giant Ghostkerchief - Evil Sloth Clone - Snow Beast - Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby - Mootix Warrior - Kastraliss - Slug Monster - The Drenched - Qasalan Mummy

Pant Devil

Bane of all Neopians because of his sticky fingers, the Pant Devil shouldn't give you too much trouble in the battledome!

Pant Devil Plushie Pant Devil Gnome Pant Devil Attractor

How to Obtain

The Pant Devil challenger is obtained by random event, when he steals something from you.

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats that you may want your pet to have before they take on a battle with the Pant Devil!

Recommended Stats
Level At this point, it really doesn't matter what your level is.
Hit Points Above 18 is best but with some luck you can win with less.
Strength At least 20 for the boost, but the higher the better.
Defense For a cautious approach, get the 20 boost - otherwise the 13 boost should be plenty.

Faerie Abilities

At this very early stage you really shouldn't need any abilities, but you might as well get a free one!

Static Cling
Static Cling
Level 1, Free

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Oversized Maractite Rune Sword

Oversized Maractite Rune Sword or another dual duty is perfect as the offensive component for this battle. They deal some nice damage and they have defensive icons as well.

Lesser Healing Scroll Slime Potion

If you want a healer, either a Lesser Healing Scroll or a Slime Potion would work well.

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Ghost Lupe

No-one is quite sure who this Ghost Lupe was before he died, but he's still an elusive and slippery opponent in the battledome.

Ghost Lupe Plushie Ghost Lupe Sword Ghost Lupe Shield

How to Obtain

The Ghost Lupe is rather easy to obtain as a challenger - simply click here!

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats that you may want your pet to have before they battle with this ghostly Lupe!

Recommended Stats
Level It still doesn't really matter about your level at this point.
Hit Points Above 20 is best but with some luck you can win with less.
Strength At least 20 for the boost, but the higher the better.
Defense To make the battle easier, get the 20 boost - anything over 13 should be enough though.

Faerie Abilities

Again, you shouldn't really need any abilities, but you should get a free one. If you meet the level requirement, you could also use Positive Thinking.

Static Cling
Static Cling
Level 1, Free
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon

Suggested Weapons

As for weapons you may like to some of these:

Oversized Maractite Rune Sword

Oversized Maractite Rune Sword is good for this battle as well to defend against some of the Ghost Lupe's water attack. Another dual duty would work fine, too.

Parasol of Unfortunate Demise

For defense, use a Parasol of Unfortunate Demise to protect against some of this ghost's attack. The Parasol awesomely uses your opponent's strength boost instead of your own. If you have more NP, you could get a Leaf Shield. You'll be able to use it in later battles as well. It's a very good shield.

Jar of Meepit Eyes

If you want something slightly more powerful, albeit one-use, offensive weapons like Jar of Meepit Eyes work well too.

Lesser Healing Scroll

You may want a healer for this battle. Try a Lesser Healing Scroll if you do.

The Ghost Lupe Avatar

The first time you defeat the Ghost Lupe, you will be awarded the Ghost Lupe avatar, which you will then be able to use on the Neoboards!

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Cave Chia

Dating back to prehistoric times, this old-time Cave Chia has had plenty of time to hone his battling skill!

Cave Chia Helmet Tyrannian Chia Fur Cave Chia Shield

How To Obtain

The Cave Chia is known to be a bit of an art lover, so if you refresh here you're sure to come across him eventually!

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats that you may want your pet to have before they take on a battle this ancient Chia!

Recommended Stats
Level Yet again, level doesn't matter much yet.
Hit Points Above 30 is best but with some luck you can win with less.
Strength Try for the 35 boost, though it is possible with just the 20 one.
Defense To make the battle easier, get the 20 boost - you'll probably be alright just under that though.

Faerie Abilities

The Chia's offensive weapons aren't particularly good so chances are you won't need any abilities at all. However, you can get a free one, and it can help you take down the Cave Chia faster.

Static Cling
Static Cling
Level 1, Free

Suggested Weapons

Some good weapons for this battle are...

Carved Qasalan Blowgun

<>Carved Qasalan Blowgun exploits the Cave Chia's inability to defend against light and fire icons.

Snowager Sword

Snowager Sword or Elegant Desert Sword can help protect you against some of the Cave Chia's fire attack while also giving some attack in return.

Lesser Healing Scroll Blue Scorchstone

For a healer you can use either a Lesser Healing Scroll or a Blue Scorchstone, if you want a slightly better healer.

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See the separate guide for tips and suggested weapons against Meuka here.


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The Brain Tree

The smartest tree in the Haunted Woods, the Brain Tree has learned much over the years about battling - but the question still remains, why in Neopia does he need to know about all these old deaths?

Brain Tree Solutions Brain Tree Muffin Pulsing Brain Tree Hat

How To Obtain

You will receive the Brain Tree as a challenger the first time you complete one of his quests. To find the answers he wants complete two of the Esophagor's quests, he will give you the answers.

Recommended Stats

Some minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle are...

Recommended Stats
Level At least level 10, so you can get the faerie abilities.
Hit Points The battle will be easiest with over 55; you can win with less and some luck though.
Strength At least 35 for the boost, but the higher the better.
Defense For a cautious approach, get the 20 boost - just under that should be okay though.

Faerie Abilities

For this battle, Positive Thinking is reccommended. If you're over Level 25, get An Icicle, too.

Static Cling
Static Cling
Level 1, Free
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Scroll of Virtue

A Scroll of Virtue would be a good weapon for this battle, since the Brain Tree's weapons don't defend against light, air, or earth icons. Alternative good options include Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, Rainbow Scroll, Throwing Cutlass, or Quill Sword.

Blunted Qasalan Gladius Sword

For a dual duty, Blunted Qasalan Gladius Sword should serve you well, since it attacks with earth and air as well as offers some protection against the Brain Tree's strong earth attack. Gilded War Hammer is an alternative that protects against dark icons.

Leaf Shield

For a shield, you can't go wrong with one that protects from a variety of icon types, since that's what the Brain Tree uses. (He doesn't do any air damage, though, so don't worry about that one so much.) Leaf Shield is good to protect against earth, water and phsyical. You could also use Patched Magic Hat or Parasol of Unfortunate Demise.

Brain Muffin

Brain Muffin, Golden Muffin, or Ornate Fighting Fan are cheaper (and more powerful) offensive weapons, but they are one use though so they will vanish permanently after you use them.

Greater Healing Scroll

If you need a healer for this battle you might as well get a Greater Healing Scroll - you'll need one later anyway.

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Commander Garoo

Now one of Dr. Sloth's top officers, Commander Garoo rose quickly through Sloth's ranks - displaying both a distinctly ruthless personality and amazing battle skills!

Commander Garoos Battle Axe Commander Garoos Shield Commander Garoos Blade

How To Obtain

The Commander is a loyal officer of Dr. Sloth and can often be found around the Virtupets Space Station so if you refresh there you're bound to run into him sooner or later!

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle.

Recommended Stats
Level Level 25, for the faerie abilities.
Hit Points Above 70 is best; as always you can win less if you're lucky.
Strength Try for the 55 boost, though it is possible to win the 35 one.
Defense To make the battle easier, get the 20 boost - you'll probably be alright just under that though.

Faerie Abilities

An Icicle can help you take down the Commander faster with its extra 6 icons.

Static Cling
Static Cling
Level 1, Free
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon

Suggested Weapons

Some good weapons for this battle are...

Ramtors Spellbook

Garoo is vulnerable to dark and light icons, so Ramtors Spellbook is a great attack weapon for him. He has weak defenses against fire, earth, and water as well, so other good alternatives include Carved Qasalan Blowgun, Pike Pike, Scroll of the Wise, Energy Blaster, Ylanas Blaster, or Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy.

Leaf Shield

Garoo's attack is mostly concentrated in earth and physical icons, so a shield like Leaf Shield or Patched Magic Hat should protect you.

To avoid some of Garoo's earth attack, reflect it back at him using a reflector like Shovel Plus.

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray

To freeze the Commander, consider freezers like Snowglobe Staff, Scroll of Freezing, or Randomly Firing Freeze Ray.

Water Muffin

For some slightly more powerful attacks, especially while the Commander is frozen, you could use a couple of one-use Water Muffins or other 15-icon muffin.

Greater Healing Scroll

If you need a healer for this battle you might as well get a Greater Healing Scroll - you'll need one later anyway.

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Tekkitu the Witch Doctor

A mysterious character, Tekkitu lives in a remote cave on Mystery Island - generally preferring to bewitch others into doing his bidding, rather than venturing outside himself. He is known to keep himself in fighting shape however so expect a good fight when you finally meet up with him!

Tekkitu Bag Tekkitu Mask Tekkitu Staff

How To Obtain

As Tekkitu is known to reside on Mystery Island the best way for you to find him is, of course, to take your pet on a Tiki Tour!

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats that you may want your pet to have before they face this witchy Doctor!

Recommended Stats
Level At lesat 25 for the faerie abilities.
Hit Points Around 90 would be best.
Strength At least 55 for the boost, but the higher the better.
Defense Get the 20 boost; it'll make things easier for you.

Faerie Abilities

If you possibly can, try and get Lens Flare - freezing him is really helpful.

Static Cling
Static Cling
Level 1, Free
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

As for weapons you may like to some of these:

Golden Compass Hanso Charisma Charm

Golden Compass would be a good offensive choice, as most of its icons will pass through Tekkitu's defensive weapons and defend against the dark offense. A Hanso Charisma Charm is even better.

Scroll of the Fool

Scroll of the Fool, Chakram of the Air Faerie, Barbat Throwing Star, or any other constant that's strong in fire, air, dark or water icons will help with this challenger.

Sophies Magic Hat

A Sophies Magic Hat does a fantastic job defending against Tekkitu's dark, fire, and physical icons if you have a decent defense boost.

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray

You'll want to freeze Tekkitu to have a free shot at him. Use a Snowglobe Staff, Scroll of Freezing, or Randomly Firing Freeze Ray.

Thick Smoke Bomb

Thick Smoke Bomb will work as a good defense weapon for this battle; it is one-use though.

Greater Healing Scroll

If you want a healer get a Greater Healing Scroll or a Helm of Recovery, depending on which is cheaper.

Shooting Star Muffin

If you do want some more powerful, but one-use weapons, then get Shooting Star Muffin or Swift Darkfire Negg Bomb. These bombs will sail through Tekkitu's defenses. Really though, your multi-use attack weapons should be good enough. Alternatively, while Tekkitu is frozen, you could use any 15-icon bomb.

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Meerca Henchmen

See the separate guide for tips and suggested weapons against the Meerca Henchmen here.

Meerca Henchmen

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Giant Ghostkerchief

The scariest sheet in your closet, this oversized petpet has a nasty temper - and an inexplicable love of stolen Halloween candy! When the holiday rolls around, watch out for the Giant Ghostkerchief!

Haunting Ghostkerchief Ghostkerchief Hammer Ghostkerchief Bag

How To Obtain

When you visit the news archives you will receive the Ghostkerchief as a challenger.

Recommended Stats

Some minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle are...

Recommended Stats
Level At least level 25, but you may want to be 50 so you can get the Lens Flare ability.
Hit Points The battle will be easiest with over 135; you can win with less and some luck though.
Strength At least 85 for the boost, though it is possible to win the 55 one if you're lucky.
Defense Get the 20 boost - at the very least.

Faerie Abilities

You likely can win this battle without Lens Flare, but it sure helps.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Ylanas Blaster

The Giant Ghostkerchief has great defense from his Ghostkershield, so it's tough to find a weapon that can match it. Ylanas Blaster gets several icons through, and Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy has even more that pass through it, since the Ghostkerchief is unprotected from fire and water attacks.

Double Dryer

To counter the Ghostkerchief's strong air attack, turn it back on him with a Double Dryer.

Thick Smoke Bomb

For a one-use total defence from all the Ghostkerchief's super awesome weapons, you could try a Thick Smoke Bomb.

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray

On the first turn you'll want to try and freeze the Ghostkerchief with a Randomly Firing Freeze Ray. If you'd rather have a 100% healer by this point then you can get either a H4000 Helmet or a Scroll of Freezing (fragile).

Rainbow Clockwork Grundo

The Rainbow Clockwork Grundo is a good once-per-battle weapon that you may find useful for this battle. 15-icon muffins like Water Muffin still work well, too.

Greater Healing Scroll

If you are a bit low on the Health Points then you may want a Greater Healing Scroll or, for something stronger, Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.

You might also like to view our Giant Ghostkerchief Patience Guide. UPDATE: Due to the problem with the Fire Whip, this page will be out for a while until problems are fixed.

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Evil Sloth Clone

One of the many robots that Sloth has had created after himself, this Sloth Clone was one of the guards of the Kreludor Mining Corp before he went a little... crazy...

Robo Sloth Fist of Power Sloth Clone Helmet Robo Sloth Butler

How To Obtain

The Clone worked on Kreludor and if you visit there, you will receive him as a challenger.

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle.

Recommended Stats
Level This is around the time you might be wanting to get to level 50, and an associated ability.
Hit Points Above 140 is best; as always you can win with less if you're lucky.
Strength You'll want 85 for the boost, but the higher the better.
Defense At least 20 for the boost.

Faerie Abilities

Lens Flare is recommended, but shhhhh... is favored by some battlers. It can neutralize the Clone's Lens Flare ability, so you may want to consider that ability instead.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Weapons that might be useful in this battle are...

Scroll of Knowledge

The Evil Sloth Clone's weapons only defend against physical icons, so any high-icon constant will serve you well, such as Scroll of Knowledge.

Altadorian Swordbreaker

Altadorian Swordbreaker is perfect as the multi-use component for this battle to combat the Clone's many physical attacks.

Purple Sticky Hand

A good stealer, like the Purple Sticky Hand, is a good idea for this battle so you can attempt to steal the Clone's H4000 Helmet.

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray

In case you're unsuccessful stealing the Clone's freezer, you may want your own freezer like Randomly Firing Freeze Ray, H4000 Helmet, or Scroll of Freezing (fragile).

Greater Healing Scroll

As with most of these battles, a Greater Healing Scroll or Rejuvenating Jar of Brains is a good idea.

Water Muffin

You shouldn't really need them, but if you want some one-use items, then 15-icon bombs like Water Muffins work well.

Note: Don't forget you need to defeat the Evil Sloth Clone 4 times to advance in Defenders of Neopia!

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Snow Beast

See the separate guide for tips and suggested weapons against the Snow Beast here.

Snow Beast

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Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby

This Giant Chomby was once part of Tyrannia's scruffy Yooyuball team, but it then retired to the caves where it lurks, starving and silently awaiting for food. Don't be its prey!

Fire Rock Helmet Fire Ball Staff Fire Walking Boots

How To Obtain

Obtain the Giant Hungry Malovent Chomby by refreshing at the Giant Omelette.

Recommended Stats

Some minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle are...

Recommended Stats
Level You should have hit Level 50 to get the Lens Flare ability, which is handy here.
Hit Points I'd go for at least 200 HP. Anything below this is asking for a quick defeat.
Strength Definately try for the 125 strength boost. 85 boost is the recommended minimum.
Defense 55 boost should do it here.

Faerie Abilities

Lens Flare is recommended, but Shhhhhhhhh... is favored by some battlers. It can neutralize the Chomby's Throw Pillows ability, so you may want to consider that ability instead.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy

Besides his Thyoras Tear, this Chomby's defenses are fairly weak for all icons. So, when choosing your constant, remember the more icons, the better. Scroll of Knowledge is a cheap 11-iconer, and if you have more NP to spend, you can use something with more icons, like Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy.

Shovel Plus

A Shovel Plus should be your main reflector here, as it can send back half the earth icons of the Chomby's Seasonal Attack Pea. You can also invest in a Ultra Dark Reflectorb to take care of those pesky dark icons. Note that both these weapons are fragile.


For defense, we recommend the Ghostkershield, as it'll completely block the tremendous Dark damage from Sword of Skardsen. An alternative is Pirate Captains Hat, which completely blocks SeAP.

Purple Sticky Hand

If you want a stealer, what's cheaper and more effective than a Purple Sticky Hand? Remember, you can steal his Thyoras Tear so you can get free total blockage, which will prove very handy should he whip out his SeAP. If you have the agility, use a 100% stealer, such as the Heavy Robe of Thievery.

Freezing Potion

You'll want a 100% freezer like Freezing Potion for your freezing needs. Magical Marbles of Mystery or H4000 Helmet are also viable solutions.

Bag of Healing Dust

The Bag of Healing Dust is the cheapest 50% non-species healer you can get, and it should prove very useful. If you don't have the NP, you can use Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.


Finally, round off your set with a Ghostkerbomb. While he's frozen, strike hard and let him taste your pet's wrath with this mighty bomb. For smaller budgets, invest in a Rainbow Clockwork Grundo, which will also do the trick.

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Mootix Warrior

The Mootix Warrior is the proof that size doesn't matter. He maybe small but his weapons pack a lot of punch and can kill you easily if you become too confident. Luckily there are two ways to tackle this petpetpet.

Mootix Parachute Toy Mootix Springy Mootix Toy

How To Obtain

No need to find this little fellow. He is an automatic challenger.

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats your pet might want to have before doing some pest control.

Recommended Stats
Level At least level 50 would be good to have Lens Flare.
Hit Points It depends on what strategy you would be using. Using the reflection, you only need around 100 HP. Above 200 is best for the head-on battle.
Strength At least 200 for the boost if you are going for a straight punch.
Defense Around 55 boost for the reflection and at least 175 for the head-on, but the higher the better.

Faerie Abilities

Once again, Lens Flare can really help you during this battle. Lens Flare is recommended, but Shhhhhhhhh... is favored by some battlers. It can neutralize this Mootix's Warlock's Rage ability, so you may want to consider that ability instead.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Weapons that might be useful in this battle are...

Shield of Reflection Shovel Plus

If you have a weaker pet, you might want to use the reflection strategy. You'll need a Shovel Plus to reflect his earth icons and a Shield of Reflection to reflect his light and fire icons. Remember that both are fragile.

Skarls Hasty Mace

For the head-on approach, weapons that deals massive damage like Skarls Hasty Mace or Kelpbeards Trident are highly recommended.

Pirate Captains Hat

Pirate Captains Hat will defend against all of his earth and light attacks and some fire attacks. This is semi-fragile so it will be wise to finish him quickly.

Bag of Healing Dust

Bag of Healing Dust would be a good option for healing. If you meet the intelligence requirement, you could use Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic or Crisp Blue Tunic. If you have neither intelligence nor NP, use Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.


Bombs like Rainbow Clockwork Grundo, Jhudoras Potion, or Ghostkerbomb will help a lot to finish him quickly.

Freezing Potion

With a weapon like Mootix Warriors Armour, it can be tough to lay a hand on this Mootix. A freezer like Freezing Potion or Magical Marbles of Mystery is helpful to give you a free shot at him. H4000 Helmet is also an option.

Purple Sticky Hand

The Mootix Warrior has some good weapons that you can use, so use a Purple Sticky Hand or a Heavy Robe of Thievery to prevent him from using them, and to take advantage of them yourself!


Downsize! can help you round out your defenses. Alternatively, you could use the one-use Thick Smoke Bomb.

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The Kastraliss might look like a statue of a mere snake, but this giant anaconda can put you in a wrap soon enough if you aren't cautious.

Bag of Space Slime Pile of Sludge Slithering Snake Taco

How To Obtain

Obtain Kastraliss via a random event by refreshing on Kastraliss's lookup here.

Recommended Stats

Some minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle are...

Recommended Stats
Level You should have hit Level 50 to get the Lens Flare ability, which is handy here.
Hit Points I'd go for at least 200 HP. Anything below this is asking for a quick defeat.
Strength Definately try for the 200 strength boost. 125 boost is the recommended minimum.
Defense 85 boost should do it here. Above is even better, below...not so much.

Faerie Abilities

It's a must to have An Icicle and Lens Flare.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Double Dryer

A Double Dryer is an essential reflector here, as it'll reflect 50% of the air damage he dishes out via his strongest weapon, the Pirate Captains Cutlass. This is a really cheap weapon, and its upgrade, the Triple Turbo Dryer, costs 10 million more.

Dr Sloths Personal Bath Buddy

The Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy is a good constant 14 iconer. You could also use a Ylanas Blaster, Wand of Reality, Bow of Destiny, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smithing, or Altador Cup Throwing Star for cheaper, but different icons. Kastraliss doesn't have any weapons that defend, so icon type doesn't really matter.

Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield

For defense, we recommend the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, as it'll shield against all the light icons from his PCC, as well as the water, earth, and physical he also deals. If you're not using an air reflector, then a better shield is Shield of Faerieland to block the heavy air icons he deals.

Bag of Healing Dust

Bag of Healing Dust would be a good option for healing. If you meet the intelligence requirement, you could use Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic or Crisp Blue Tunic. If you have neither intelligence nor NP, use Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.

Freezing Potion

You'll want a Freezing Potion for your freezing needs. Magical Marbles of Mystery or H4000 Helmet are also options.


Finally, round off your set with a Ghostkerbomb. While he's frozen, strike hard and let him taste your pet's wrath with this mighty bomb. For lower budgets, consider Rainbow Clockwork Grundo or Jhudoras Potion, which will also do the trick.

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Slug Monster

Probably the foulest challenger in Neopia, the Slug Monster is one of the hardest challengers of Series 1.

Boiled Sea Serpent Sludge Ball Keyring Wiggling Seaweed Plant

How To Obtain

You will obtain the Slug Monster as a challenger when you have 'Slug Flakes' in your inventory and refresh here.

Recommended Stats

Some minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle are...

Recommended Stats
Level You should have hit Level 50 to get the Lens Flare ability, which is handy here.
Hit Points I'd go for at least 200 HP. Anything below 175 is asking for a quick defeat, unless you are a tank.
Strength Definately try for the 200 strength boost. 125 boost is the recommended minimum.
Defense 125 boost should do it here. Above is even better, below...not so much.

Faerie Abilities

It's a must to have both An Icicle and Lens Flare. Once again, Lens Flare is recommended, but Shhhhhhhhh... is favored by some battlers. It can neutralize the Slug Monsters's Lens Flare ability, so you may want to consider that ability instead.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Dr Sloths Personal Bath Buddy

The Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy is a good constant 14 iconer. You could also use a Ylanas Blaster, Wand of Reality, Bow of Destiny, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smithing, or Altador Cup Throwing Star for cheaper, but different icons. Kastraliss doesn't have any weapons that defend, so icon type doesn't really matter.

Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield

For defense, we recommend the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, as it'll ward off many of his attacks, nearly nullifying them.

Bag of Healing Dust

Bag of Healing Dust would be a good option for healing. If you meet the intelligence requirement, you could use Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic or Crisp Blue Tunic. If you have neither intelligence nor NP, use Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.

Freezing Potion

You'll want a Freezing Potion for your freezing needs. Magical Marbles of Mystery or H4000 Helmet are also options.


Finally, round off your set with a Ghostkerbomb. While he's frozen, strike hard and let him taste your pet's wrath with this mighty bomb. For lower budgets, consider Rainbow Clockwork Grundo or Jhudoras Potion, which will also do the trick.

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The Drenched

The Drenched will pose the same threat to you as fire to water, so beware of this challenger. Here we'll show you how you can turn your set to lightning!

All About Water Faeries Bottled Water Faerie Water Muffin

How To Obtain

Obtain The Drenched as a challenger by refreshing here.

Recommended Stats

Some minimum stats your pet might want to have before this battle are...

Recommended Stats
Level You should have hit Level 50 to get the Lens Flare ability, which is handy here.
Hit Points I'd go for at least 250 HP. Anything below 200 is asking for a quick defeat.
Strength Definitely try for the 200 strength boost. 125 boost is the recommended minimum.
Defense 125 boost should do it here. Above is even better, below...not so much.

Faerie Abilities

It's a must to have An Icicle and Lens Flare. Once again, Lens Flare is recommended, but Shhhhhhhhh... is favored by some battlers. It can neutralize The Drenched's Throw Pillows ability, so you may want to consider that ability instead.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Some weapons you may find useful for this battle are...

Wand of Reality

The Drenched have a U-bend Of Great Justice, which reflects over 80% of water icons, so avoid water in your attack. Ylanas Blaster, Wand of Reality, Bow of Destiny, Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smithing, or Altador Cup Throwing Star would all be good choices for 12-13 icons.


For defense, we recommend the Ghostkershield, as it'll block most of their Sword of Apocalypse and all of the Pot of Darkness.

Bag of Healing Dust

Bag of Healing Dust would be a good option for healing. If you meet the intelligence requirement, you could use Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic or Crisp Blue Tunic. If you have neither intelligence nor NP, use Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.

Freezing Potion

You'll want a Freezing Potion for your freezing needs. Magical Marbles of Mystery or H4000 Helmet are also options.


Finally, round off your set with a Ghostkerbomb. While he's frozen, strike hard and let him taste your pet's wrath with this mighty bomb. For lower budgets, consider Rainbow Clockwork Grundo or Jhudoras Potion, which will also do the trick.

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Qasalan Mummy

The deadly undead. The Qasalan Mummy is the last challenger for the Defenders of Neopia series one. Warning: Letting your guard down may win you a free sarcophagus.

Mummy Bone Scroll Scorchio Mummy Monster Plushie Tablet of the Mummy

How To Obtain

Disturbing him in this comic could get you a free trip to your tomb.

Recommended Stats

Here are some of the minimum stats your pet might want to have to bring this mummy back to eternal rest.

Recommended Stats
Level At least level 50 would be good to have the Lens Flare ability.
Hit Points Above 200 is best; as always you can win with less if you're lucky.
Strength At least 200 for the boost, but the higher you have the faster you'll defeat him.
Defense At least 200 for the boost, but the higher the better. Defense will be the key to defeating him

Faerie Abilities

Both An Icicle and Lens Flare will be useful against him. If your level is high enough, you might want Warlock's Rage as well. Once again, Lens Flare is recommended, but Shhhhhhhhh... is favored by some battlers. It can neutralize the Mummy's Lens Flare or Warlock's Rage abilities, so you may want to consider that ability instead.

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Level 10, 4 light icon
An Icicle
An Icicle
Level 25, 10 water icon
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Level 50, 15 light icon

Suggested Weapons

Weapons that might be useful in this battle are...

Pirate Captains Cutlass

Any weapon that doesn't use a combination of earth, water and physical icons would be great, and avoiding dark is good, too. Using weapons that deals massive damage like Pirate Captains Cutlass, Twin Faerie Blades, Sword of Ari, Sword of Reif, Sword of Thigl are highly recommended. If you can't afford them, you could try Wand of Reality.


Ghostkershield will defend against most of his attacks. Just watch out for some fire icons that might leak through this.

Bag of Healing Dust

Bag of Healing Dust would be a good option for healing. If you meet the intelligence requirement, you could use Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic or Crisp Blue Tunic. If you have neither intelligence nor NP, use Rejuvenating Jar of Brains.


You don't necessarily need it but having a Rainbow Clockwork Grundo, Jhudoras Potion, or a Ghostkerbomb will help a lot to finish him quickly.

Freezing Potion

You'll want a Freezing Potion for your freezing needs. Magical Marbles of Mystery or H4000 Helmet are also options.

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Written by Izzy
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