Advent Calendar Coverage: 2024
Welcome to The Daily Neopets' Advent Calendar coverage! For every day in the month of December, Neopets gives away free Neopets items, free Neopoints, and free Neopets prizes on the Advent Calendar . The Daily Neopets' Advent Calendar archives (which you're probably viewing right now) have a complete list of all of the prizes the Advent Calendar has given out.
You're viewing the Neopets Advent Calendar archives for the year 2023.
2024 Advent Calendar Prizes Archive
Sunday, December 1st |
Today you find... 2,254 Neopoints!!! ![]() Winter Sunrise Trail Background -Premium-
Monday, December 2nd |
Today you find... 897 Neopoints!!!
Tuesday, December 3rd |
Today you find... 902 Neopoints!!!
Wednesday, December 4th |
Today you find... 678 Neopoints!!! ![]() Christmas Bruce Stamp -Premium-
Thursday, December 5th |
Today you find... 1221 Neopoints!!! ![]() Fuzzy Parka -Premium-
Friday, December 6th |
Today you find... 874 Neopoints!!! ![]() Gift Tag Earrings -Premium-
Saturday, December 7th |
Today you find... 902 Neopoints!!! ![]() Ice Draik Egg -Premium-
Sunday, December 8th |
Today you find... 736 Neopoints!!! ![]() Christmas Patamoose Companion -Premium-
Monday, December 9th |
Today you find... 908 Neopoints!!! ![]() Snowy Faerieland Background -Premium-
Tuesday, December 10th |
Today you find... 741 Neopoints!!! ![]() Elderly Petpet Paint Brush -Premium-
Wednesday, December 11th |
Today you find... 1985 Neopoints!!! ![]() Gourmet Alphabet Soup -Premium-
Thursday, December 12th |
Today you find... 926 Neopoints!!! ![]() 8-bit Fireplace Background -Premium-
Friday, December 13th |
Today you find... 1888 Neopoints!!! ![]() Musical Note Necklace -Premium-
Saturday, December 14th |
Today you find... 697 Neopoints!!! ![]() Search and Find Foreground -Premium-
Sunday, December 15th |
Today you find... 831 Neopoints!!! ![]() Holiday King Altador Stamp -Premium-
Monday, December 16th |
Today you find... 1742 Neopoints!!! ![]() Holiday Lasagna -Premium-
Tuesday, December 17th |
Today you find... 1968 Neopoints!!! ![]() Holidays in Dacardia Background -Premium-
Wednesday, December 18th |
Today you find... 913 Neopoints!!! ![]() Christmas Wreath Workshop Background -Premium-
Thursday, December 19th |
Today you find... 789 Neopoints!!! ![]() Festive Plaid Bow -Premium-
Friday, December 20th |
Today you find... 1542 Neopoints!!! ![]() Snow Candychan Bobblehead -Premium-
Saturday, December 21st |
Today you find... 703 Neopoints!!! ![]() Orions Glasses -Premium-
Sunday, December 22nd |
Today you find... 1413 Neopoints!!! ![]() Bubbling Hot Springs Foreground -Premium-
Monday, December 23rd |
Today you find... 2645 Neopoints!!! ![]() Void Holiday Sweater -Premium-
Tuesday, December 24th |
Today you find... 4444 Neopoints!!! ![]() Holiday Chocolate Truffles -Premium-
Wednesday, December 25th |
Today you find... 6951 Neopoints!!! ![]() Winter Holiday Ballroom Background -Premium-
Thursday, December 26th |
Today you find... 621 Neopoints!!! ![]() Cosy Craft Room Background -Premium-
Friday, December 27th |
Today you find... 849 Neopoints!!! ![]() Vintage Wardrobe Dress Up Trunk -Premium-
Saturday, December 28th |
Today you find... 803 Neopoints!!! ![]() Musical Glow -Premium-
Sunday, December 29th |
Today you find... 968 Neopoints!!! ![]() Rock Companion -Premium-
Monday, December 30th |
Today you find... 1574 Neopoints!!! ![]() Battledome Cards Handheld -Premium-
Tuesday, December 31st |
Today you find... 2222 Neopoints!!! ![]() Snowager Scarf and Earmuffs -Premium-
Orion's Quests
As promised by TNT, the 2024 Advent Calendar features dialogue & prizes related to the ongoing Orion's Quests portion of The Void Within plot. The rewards for Day 28 of the Advent Calendar, including trophies & item prizes, vary based on the number of Orion quests you have previously completed during events like the Festival of Neggs, Altador Cup, & the Faerie Festival.
Advent Calendar Dialogue
Day 5
Day 5 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Orion | Hello, Reina. Thank you for allowing me to return. I have to admit, I was fairly certain you wouldn't. |
Reina | Your letter explaining your reasonings was very compelling. Plus, Queen Fyora assured me that those visiting the Advent Calendar would be safe. However, I did hear about your...episodes during the Faerie Festival, and I have some concerns regarding how exactly it is guaranteed not to happen again? |
Orion | Yes...that was a difficult time. Ever since the last Advent Calendar there has been a power growing inside this Lyre. A power that has controlled me in more ways than one. But after Jhudora and Illusen cracked the Lyre I haven't felt a thing. Even during Halloween, not a single vision or nightmare. |
Reina | But Neopians would have been spread out for Halloween, and you said you're affected more during times of large gatherings. |
Orion | Well, it's not an exact science. I can't guarantee nothing will happen, but Seshatia has a teleportation book ready if I, let's say, "get out of hand." If you use it, she'll come and teleport me far away to keep everyone safe. |
Reina | So, if you're not actively seeking out large gatherings to trigger visions, then why are you here? |
Orion | I am sort of here for that, but not in the way you are thinking. You see, after months of research, Seshatia and I finally found something, but there's an issue. |
Reina | What sort of issue? |
Orion | It would be easier to understand if I started from the beginning. |
Dialogue Comic | The dialogue was then followed by a comic page that was featured as Day Five's Advent image/animation. You can view that here. |
Day 13
Day 13 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Reina | So, did the place make you sing? |
Orion | No, I suspect that detail was just the grain of truth in the myth surrounding this place. But the rocks there did have musical properties... |
Dialogue Comic | The dialogue was then followed by a comic page that was featured as Day Thirteen's Advent image/animation. You can view that here. |
Day 21
Day 21 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Reina | So you did it? You actually found answers about the lyre? |
Orion | I found something... |
Dialogue Comic | The dialogue was then followed by a comic page that was featured as Day Twenty-One's Advent image/animation. You can view that here. |
Day 28
Day 28 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Reina | What do you mean too late? |
Orion | Whatever was on this has corroded so much over the years that there isn't even a trace of what used to be there... |
Reina | I'm sorry, Orion. I wish I could be of more help. |
Orion | That's sort of why I'm here! I was hoping that maybe the Advent Calendar would hold enough energy or crowds or whatever it is that triggers this blasted thing that I would be able to get some sort of clue of what to do next. But we're nearing the end now, and I haven't felt a thing this whole time... I think... I think I've failed. |
Reina | I hate to ask because I know what trouble it's caused you in the past. But have you tried playing the lyre? |
Orion | Once, but nothing happened. I think the crack has caused it to become weak or something. But even if it did work, I can't risk hurting anyone again. Especially not here! |
Reina | Maybe here is exactly where you need to be. If the lyre is too weak by itself now, maybe the energy it gets from here can help! You know, the power of a holiday miracle! |
Orion | I can't risk that. I promised to keep you and the visitors safe! |
Reina | I trust Sasahtia's magic. If anything too bad happens, I'll call her. If this could help Neopia, if it could give you answers, then it's worth a try! |
Dialogue Comic | The dialogue was then followed by a comic page that was featured as Day Twenty-Eight's Advent image/animation. You can view that here. Additionally it appears that there are four different images of this comic circulating that feature a different image of the stone tablet. |
Day 29
Day 29 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Orion | I'm sorry... I wasn't strong enough to get the whole thing to stay. I don't know what happened. |
Reina | It's okay! There were pieces of it. Perhaps that is enough for us to make sense of it. I don't know who saw what, but we should be able to come together and figure it out! |
Orion | No! There has to be more to this. I have to try again. I have to- *thunk* |
Reina | Orion! Are you okay? Wake up, Orion! Just hold on. I'm going to get you help! |
Seshatia | Reina? What's going on? |
Reina | I...I didn't know what to do! Orion won't wake up. I didn't think I should move him, so I used the book to bring you here. And-and this is my fault, I told him to do it. I shouldn't hav- |
Seshatia | Reina, take a breath! It's going to be okay. Just tell me exactly what happened. |
Reina | *Reina explains everything that happened.* |
Seshatia | You did the right thing by calling me here, Reina. I will take him back to the Queen. |
Reina | What should I do? |
Seshatia | You have done more than enough. It was unfair of us to interrupt your Advent Calendar again. I know Orion truly appreciated you letting him return. So please continue your Advent Calendar, and take good care of those who visit like you always do! |
Day 31
Day 31 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Queen Fyora | Dear Reina, are you doing alright? |
Reina | I'm keeping spirits high. |
Queen Fyora | I'm sure you are. But how are you? |
Reina | ...I'm better than expected, but I'm worried about Orion. |
Queen Fyora | Yes, that is why I am here. I wanted to thank you for how you cared for Orion once again. And give you an update on how he is fairing. While still unconscious, he is physically fine as far as the doctors can tell. |
Reina | Do they think he will wake up? |
Queen Fyora | We're unsure. Neither magic nor medicine can find a reason why he won't wake. He has, however, muttered in his sleep. Just a slight word over and over again. "Mus...Mus...Mus" - It's like he's struggling to finish the word. |
Reina | Could it be music? |
Queen Fyora | That is our current theory... So we have started playing him music. All that we can get our hands on. But nothing, yet. |
Reina | I'm sorry, Queen Fyora. I should have known better. |
Queen Fyora | No, Reina. You have done everything right. For now, we will monitor Orion, and hopefully, what he has discovered will day. I know it is the last day of the Advent Calendar, but please take care and thank you again for everything. |
Bonus for Participating in All Orion's Quests | ||
Bonus for Participating in Three Orion's Quests | ||
Bonus for Participating in Two Orion's Quests | ||
Bonus for Participating in One Orion's Quests | ||

Next sleep in 2h, 44m, 13s.

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