Tea Time with Tavi

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Chapter Seven
⁃⁃⁃▶Tea Time with Tavi
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Tea Time with Tavi was introduced to the plot on October 22, 2024. It is a quest style mini-game that functions much like how Edna's Quests and the Kitchen Quests do.


To begin participating in this part of the plot, head over to the Teatime homepage. You can also access it directly from the Plot HQ by scrolling down to the bottom, just beneath the Plot Timeline, where you'll find links to Voidworks and Cosy Campfire Collection is as well.

Tavi will show you the recipe she’s attempting to make (note that the recipe name is for display purposes only and does not affect the ingredients she will request) and ask if you can help her gather the necessary items. You’ll then have the option to click either the red Not right now... button or the green Yes, I will help! buttons.

Once you agree to help Tavi, she will ask for a single item from a pool of items that include specific keywords, rewards from the Cosy Campfire Collection, and various random items, some of which might have been intended for the game’s prize pool rather than quest-related items. When the game was first released, Tavi would request 2-4 items at a time, but this was changed roughly twelve and a half hours later to make completing the quests easier, due to the inflation of the items she was asking for.

You will have 4 hours to gather the item Tavi requested and return it to her. If it's an item you don’t want to buy or can’t obtain, you have the option to cancel the quest up to two times a day. While Tavi will warn you that additional time will be added to your timer, you’ll still be able to accept a new quest as soon as the timer runs out for your current one. Once you've found the item, return to Tavi with it in your inventory and click the yellow I have the Supplies! button to hand it over.

Completing 5 of Tavi's quests in a day will reward you with up to 25 plot points. These quests do not count toward the 10-quest daily limit shared by Edna's Quests, Kitchen Quests, and Tealia's Quests. However, they do follow the same inventory restriction: you cannot accept a quest if your inventory contains more than 60 items. You are also allowed to use the Shop Wizard and Super Shop Wizard to help you complete Tavi's quests.


Upon successfully completing a quest for Tavi, you will recieve a reward from a set pool of items, 5 plot points (10 if you're using the Plot Points Fortune Cookie) and between 100 to 200 Neopoints. Below is a list of all the possible items you may recieve.


The Time for Tea avatar is obtained by completing at least one quest for Tavi for a total of 5 days in a row. Make sure to check off your new avatar here.

Fearless Deeds

By participating in Tavi's Tea Time, you will progress in the Tea-riffic Job! fearless deed. To learn more about this achievement and how to complete it, check out our guide.

Written by Musical_Shoyru
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