Avatar Solutions: Game
Here is a complete list of Neopets avatar solutions. Please select a category below. Remember that an avatar can be in more than one category!
There are a total of 111 avatars in the Game category.
If you want to use our avatar checklist services, please log in or register.
You can still view all solutions below even if you don't have an account.
You can still view all solutions below even if you don't have an account.
Wheel of Monotony
Land on the 'Paint Brush' or '?' spot on the Wheel of Monotony
Land on the 'Paint Brush' or '?' spot on the Wheel of Monotony

Wheel Of Misfortune
Land on the Pile of Sludge spot when spinning the Wheel of Misfortune
and have an item get turned into sludge.
Land on the Pile of Sludge spot when spinning the Wheel of Misfortune

Wheel of Excitement
Awarded when randomly winning 20,000 NP from the Wheel of Excitement
Awarded when randomly winning 20,000 NP from the Wheel of Excitement

Score 850+ in Kass Basher
Score 850+ in Kass Basher

Volcano Run
Score 1500+ in Volcano Run II
Score 1500+ in Volcano Run II

Tyranu Evavu
Score 15+ in Tyranu Evavu
Score 15+ in Tyranu Evavu

Typing Terror
Score 3600+ in Typing Terror
Score 3600+ in Typing Terror

Score 100+ in Ultimate Bullseye II
Score 100+ in Ultimate Bullseye II

Top Gamer
Visit your My High Scores
page when you have achieved 250+ different game scores.
Visit your My High Scores

Time For Tea
Complete at least 1 Tea Time with Tavi quest for 5 days in a row during The Void Within.
Complete at least 1 Tea Time with Tavi quest for 5 days in a row during The Void Within.
That's Not Rubbish
Pick up a non junk item from the The Rubbish Dump
, such as an apple core, petpets etc.
Pick up a non junk item from the The Rubbish Dump

Techo - The Buzzer Game
Score 300+ in The Buzzer Game
Score 300+ in The Buzzer Game

Techo - Cheesy
Randomly awarded when winning at Cheeseroller
with any cheese in under 60 seconds.
Randomly awarded when winning at Cheeseroller

Taelia the Snow Faerie
Awarded after completing one of the Snow Faerie's quests
Awarded after completing one of the Snow Faerie's quests

Suteks Tomb
Score 2000+ in Sutek's Tomb
Score 2000+ in Sutek's Tomb

Win any prize on a Spooky Scratchcard
from Sssidney.
Win any prize on a Spooky Scratchcard

Spike It!
Score 800+ in Mynci Beach Volleyball
Score 800+ in Mynci Beach Volleyball

Submit a score of 13,500 or higher in Spacerocked!
Submit a score of 13,500 or higher in Spacerocked!

Send a score of 6,500+ in Snow Roller
Send a score of 6,500+ in Snow Roller

Score 5000+ in Snowmuncher
Score 5000+ in Snowmuncher

Smuggler's Dubloon
Score 2,500+ in Dubloon Disaster
Score 2,500+ in Dubloon Disaster

Skeith - Snargan
Win 320 or more Neopoints from Double or Nothing
. This game is not available to users under 13.
Win 320 or more Neopoints from Double or Nothing

Skeith - King Hagan
Awarded randomly when getting a score of at least 750 out of 1000 (A+) at Wise Old King
Awarded randomly when getting a score of at least 750 out of 1000 (A+) at Wise Old King

Skeith - Jelly Processing Plant
Score 1000+ in Hungry Skeith
Score 1000+ in Hungry Skeith

Skarl - Moody
Tell King Skarl
a really, REALLY bad joke. Awarded randomly when doing so.
Tell King Skarl

Site Spotlight
Win the Site Spotlight.
Win the Site Spotlight.

Sinsi - Shapeshifter
View this
page while at Shapeshifter Level 6.
View this

Sewage Surfer
Get to the 50th level, then quit, in Sewage Surfer
Get to the 50th level, then quit, in Sewage Surfer

Revenge is Sweet
Score 2250+ in TNT Staff Smasher
Score 2250+ in TNT Staff Smasher

Random Contest Winner
Win either 1st place, 2nd place or runner up in a Random Contest
Win either 1st place, 2nd place or runner up in a Random Contest

Raider Of Maraqua
Score 800+ in Raiders of Maraqua
Score 800+ in Raiders of Maraqua

Poogle Racing Winner
Bet on a Poogle in Poogle Racing
and win.
Bet on a Poogle in Poogle Racing

Plushie Tycoon
Complete Plushie Tycoon
with 50,000+.
Complete Plushie Tycoon

Pick Your Own
Leave the Pick Your Own Farm
with 6 non-dung items.
Leave the Pick Your Own Farm

Score 2500+ in Petpetsitter
Score 2500+ in Petpetsitter

Petpet Rescue
Score 250+ in Petpet Rescue
Score 250+ in Petpet Rescue

Nimmos Pond
Score 4,000+ in Nimmos Pond
Score 4,000+ in Nimmos Pond

Neoquest II - Weakling
Randomly awarded when losing against a Plains Lupe in NeoQuest II
Randomly awarded when losing against a Plains Lupe in NeoQuest II

Neoquest II - Devilpuss
Defeat a Devilpuss in NeoQuest II
Defeat a Devilpuss in NeoQuest II

Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny
Defeat a Bionic Bunny in NeoQuest II
Defeat a Bionic Bunny in NeoQuest II

NeoQuest - Wise and Powerful
Give the Clouded Gem to Erick the Cybunny in NeoQuest
OR borrow a pet who already has a NeoQuest game up to this point. Turn in the Oak Staff, Coruscating Gem and one additional gem to Erick and have him create a magic wand. Either method will award the avatar.
Give the Clouded Gem to Erick the Cybunny in NeoQuest

Neopian Lottery
Win the Neopian Lottery
Win the Neopian Lottery

Mutant Graveyard of Doom II
Score 2250+ in Mutant Graveyard of Doom II
Score 2250+ in Mutant Graveyard of Doom II

Must... Keep... Smiling...
Randomly awarded when finding your pet in Kacheek Seek
. You can play every day until your pet gets bored.
Randomly awarded when finding your pet in Kacheek Seek

Mortog Smooch
Collect your winnings after correctly guessing the Mortog 4 times in a row in Kiss the Mortog
. Verify that the winnings collected are 5,900 NP in order to get the avatar.
Collect your winnings after correctly guessing the Mortog 4 times in a row in Kiss the Mortog

Meerca Chase
Score 1250+ in Meerca Chase II
Score 1250+ in Meerca Chase II

Meepit Vs Feepit
Score 3000+ in Meepit vs. Feepit
Score 3000+ in Meepit vs. Feepit

Awarded randomly when winning 1,000 or 4,000 Neopoints from the Wheel of Mediocrity
Awarded randomly when winning 1,000 or 4,000 Neopoints from the Wheel of Mediocrity

Master Vex
Randomly awarded while playing Cellblock
Randomly awarded while playing Cellblock

Magax: Destroyer
Score 3500+ in MAGAX: Destroyer II
. Was previously 3000.
Score 3500+ in MAGAX: Destroyer II

Library Faerie
Randomly awarded when completing the Faerie Crossword Puzzle
. Answers are provided by TDN daily.
Randomly awarded when completing the Faerie Crossword Puzzle

Lever of Doom
Randomly awarded when pulling the Lever of Doom
. There is no daily limit to the number of times you can pull the lever.
Randomly awarded when pulling the Lever of Doom

Lennies Rule
Be one of the first 250 people to answer correctly in the Lenny Conundrum
Be one of the first 250 people to answer correctly in the Lenny Conundrum

Kiosk Wocky
Win any prize on a Wintery Scratchcard
. You receive a random card; not all cards win. (In fact, not many do.)
Win any prize on a Wintery Scratchcard

Kiko Pop!
Random when playing Kiko Pop
Random when playing Kiko Pop

Kadoatery - Mew!
Feed 75+ Kadoaties at the Kadoatery
and then view your own user lookup.
Feed 75+ Kadoaties at the Kadoatery

Kacheek - Herder
Score 250+ points in Extreme Herder
Score 250+ points in Extreme Herder

Jhudora's Cloud
Complete quest level 20 or 21 of Jhudoras Cloud
Complete quest level 20 or 21 of Jhudoras Cloud

Imposter Apple
Randomly awarded when you go Bobbing for Apples
and either 1. receive an Imposter Apple as your prize or 2. have an Imposter Apple in your inventory and it falls in the water.
Randomly awarded when you go Bobbing for Apples

Illusen's Glade
Complete quest level 20 or 21 of Illusens Glade
Complete quest level 20 or 21 of Illusens Glade

Ice Cream Machine
Score 14,500 in Ice Cream Machine
Score 14,500 in Ice Cream Machine

High Roller
Awarded when you land on the blank square on the Wheel of Extravagance
Awarded when you land on the blank square on the Wheel of Extravagance

Hannah and the Pirate Caves
Score 150,000+ in Hannah and the Pirate Caves
Score 150,000+ in Hannah and the Pirate Caves

Grundo - Snowthrow!
Successfully submit a score of 10,000+ in Snow Wars II
Successfully submit a score of 10,000+ in Snow Wars II

Grarrl Keno
Awarded while playing Grarrl Keno
and correctly matching 4 or more eggs.
Awarded while playing Grarrl Keno

Grand Theft Ummagine
Score 1100+ in Grand Theft Ummagine
Score 1100+ in Grand Theft Ummagine

Gormball - Gargarox
Win a game of Gormball
Win a game of Gormball

Score 8,500+ in Goparokko
Score 8,500+ in Goparokko

Win 250 hands in Godori
in one month, before it resets.
Win 250 hands in Godori

Score 1000+ in Gadgadsgame
Score 1000+ in Gadgadsgame

Freaky Factory - Yoinked
Score 1250+ in Freaky Factory
Score 1250+ in Freaky Factory

Freaked Korbat
Be in the top 50 on the Korbats Lab High Score Table
at the time trophies are awarded. Rereleased on January 6, 2008.
Be in the top 50 on the Korbats Lab High Score Table

Forgotten Shore
Awarded randomly when collecting a prize from the Forgotten Shore
Awarded randomly when collecting a prize from the Forgotten Shore

Be in the top 50 on the Kiss the Mortog High Score Table
when trophies are awarded daily.
Be in the top 50 on the Kiss the Mortog High Score Table

Fishing - Titanic Squid
Catch a Titanic Squid in Underwater Fishing
. You can get these around Level 80.
Catch a Titanic Squid in Underwater Fishing

Faerie Bubbles
Score 2000+ points in Faerie Bubbles
Score 2000+ points in Faerie Bubbles

Extreme Potato Counter
Score 200+ in Extreme Potato Counter
Score 200+ in Extreme Potato Counter

Evil Eliv Thade
Score 1200+ in The Castle of Eliv Thade
Score 1200+ in The Castle of Eliv Thade

Evil Coconut
Randomly awarded when you knock down (but don't explode) a coconut in Coconut Shy
. You can play 20 times a day. There is no event that says you have gotten the avatar.
Randomly awarded when you knock down (but don't explode) a coconut in Coconut Shy

Draik - Escape from Meridell Castle
Get into the top 50 on the Escape from Meridell Castle Monthly High Score Table
Get into the top 50 on the Escape from Meridell Castle Monthly High Score Table

Dr. Grumps
Score 900+ in Gourmet Club Bowls
Score 900+ in Gourmet Club Bowls

Win the jackpot at Dice-A-Roo
Win the jackpot at Dice-A-Roo

Dice Escape
Score 1000+ in Dice Escape
Score 1000+ in Dice Escape

Destruct-O-Match II
Score 2500+ in Destruct-O-Match III
This avatar was rereleased on January 9, 2009.
Score 2500+ in Destruct-O-Match III

Score 1200+ in Stowaway Sting
Score 1200+ in Stowaway Sting

Count von Roo's Deadly Dice
Tie Count Von Roo
for the first roll and defeat him on the second, earning two levels. Pet must be level 2+. The avatar can be lost by tying and then losing to Count Von Roo; this requires a pet level of 3+. Count Von Roo is awake between 12am-1am NST.
Tie Count Von Roo

Cliffhanger - Game Over
Play Cliffhanger
and lose.
Play Cliffhanger

Chia Bomber
Score 1300+ in Chia Bomber 2
Score 1300+ in Chia Bomber 2

Chia - Florg
Score 250+ points in Feed Florg
. On April 7th 2007, the score was lowered from 1200+ to 250+, when a new version of the Feed Florg game was released.
Score 250+ points in Feed Florg

Carnival of Terror
Score 725+ in Carnival of Terror
Score 725+ in Carnival of Terror

Caption Contest - Hilarious
Rewarded to the golden prize winners in the monthly Caption Contest
Rewarded to the golden prize winners in the monthly Caption Contest

Caption Contest - Funny
Win the Caption Contest
on any 100th caption (e.g., 1000th, 1100th, 1200th, 1300th, etc).
Win the Caption Contest

Randomly awarded when you successfully complete round 1 of Cheat!
while having caught Capara cheating.
Randomly awarded when you successfully complete round 1 of Cheat!

Land on the pointed star prize spot on the Wheel of Knowledge
Land on the pointed star prize spot on the Wheel of Knowledge

Brain Tree Quest
Place in the top 50 on the high score table for Brain Tree Quest
Place in the top 50 on the high score table for Brain Tree Quest

Blumaroo Court Jester
Tell the following joke to King Skarl
: "What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?" Your answer can be anything. To get the avatar, the king must laugh hysterically at the joke.
Tell the following joke to King Skarl

Bilge Dice - Lucky Streak!
Awarded when winning 10 games in a row in Bilge Dice
Awarded when winning 10 games in a row in Bilge Dice

Bilge Dice
Randomly awarded when scoring 24 in Bilge Dice
Randomly awarded when scoring 24 in Bilge Dice

Better Than You
Succesfully beat a Better Than You
challenger. You will receive the avatar when you get the Neomail from Neopets saying that you won.
Succesfully beat a Better Than You

Beauty Contest
Win first, second, or third place either in species or overall in the Beauty Contest.
Win first, second, or third place either in species or overall in the Beauty Contest.

Babaa - Maths Nightmare
Get into the top 50 on the Math's Nightmare Daily High Score Table
Get into the top 50 on the Math's Nightmare Daily High Score Table

Avatar Collector
Get into the top 50 on the Avatar Collector Daily High Score Table
. You will need nearly all avatars.
Get into the top 50 on the Avatar Collector Daily High Score Table

Attack of the Slorgs
Score 1000+ in Attack of the Slorgs
Score 1000+ in Attack of the Slorgs

Altador Cup Staff Tournament
Awarded for participating in the Altador Cup Staff Tournament in 2010, 2012, or 2013.
Awarded for participating in the Altador Cup Staff Tournament in 2010, 2012, or 2013.
Altador Cup Player
Obtain Level 1 status in the Altador Cup and then play any of the games on the AC Games
page. Check out TDN's Level Calculator
for more information on your own rank.
Obtain Level 1 status in the Altador Cup and then play any of the games on the AC Games

Ace Zafara
Score 700+ in Advert Attack
Score 700+ in Advert Attack

AAA's Revenge
Score 1,000+ points in AAA's Revenge
Score 1,000+ points in AAA's Revenge

Score 20,000+ points in Assignment 53
Score 20,000+ points in Assignment 53

A Meepit! Run!
Score 3500+ in Meepit Juice Break
Score 3500+ in Meepit Juice Break


Next sleep in 5h, 23m, 11s.

Feb 7: 6 AM NST
Feb 8: 11 AM/PM NST
Feb 9: 4 AM/PM NST
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The Runway Contest
Winning entry for "Oh I Love This Color!"!
"The Enchanting Forest Fairy"!
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