
Patapult is an NC Mall game where players have the chance to earn exclusive NC item prizes. In the game you'll be feeding a Patamoose with Patapuffs that are available for purchase from the NC Mall. Patapuff packs are available in 1, 5 and 10 packs. This game does not contain a bonus feature like many of the other NC Mall games.
Patapuffs that have not been activated can be gifted to other Neopians. You may also play this game on your side accounts. When gifting Patapuff packs, you can only put one pack per gift box, just like any other NC items. If you have activated your Patapuffs you will not be able to gift them.
Playing the Game

This is what your start screen will look like.
After your Patapuff pack has been activated, you'll need to go to your inventory to activate it. From there make your way back to Patapult and begin playing the game. When you're ready to play you'll have the opportunity to feed the Patamoose one of your Patapuffs. Once your Patamoose has been fed, take aim with your mouse and launch it through the jungle ruins.

Launching your Patamoose.
While flying through the jungle ruins, your Patamoose will find treasures called Idols. These idols come in 4 different types which are Wood, Bronze, Silver and Gold. By launching the Patamoose into an Idol's entrance, you will earn a prize from that tier. The Idols are exchanged for an NC prize from their tier. The Idol you receive while playing your game will determine the prizes available to you. You will not be able to exchange it for a prize in another tier.

Collecting your Idol.
Current Prizes
November 30, 2020 |
- Wood Tier - - Bronze Tier - - Silver Tier - - Gold Tier - |
Retired Prizes
March 25, 2019 - November 30, 2020 |
- Wood Tier - - Silver Tier - |
September 5, 2018 - March 25, 2019 |
- Bronze Tier - - Gold Tier - |
November 22, 2017 - September 5, 2018 |
- Wood Tier - - Silver Tier - |
October 14, 2014 - November 22, 2017 |
- Wood Tier - - Bronze Tier - - Silver Tier - - Gold Tier - |
July 31, 2014 - November 22, 2017 |
- Wood Tier - - Bronze Tier - - Silver Tier - - Gold Tier - |
July 25, 2014 - November 22, 2017 |
- Wood Tier - - Bronze Tier - - Silver Tier - - Gold Tier - |
Pack | Released From |
This Patapuff Pack was released from the Advent Calendar in 2017. |

Next sleep in 3h, 18m, 33s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST