Premium NeoBoards

Arguably, the best thing about Neopets Premium is the Premium only NeoBoards. Not having to 'bump' your topic to keep it on page 1, or not having n00bs or spam on your boards. The members are great, and chatting is always fun!

The Boards

Note: The links below will only work for Premium Neopet users.

Charter Members
A board for longtime Premium Members. If you can see this board, that's you! You're a longtime Premium member! high five
Help and Newbies
If you need help or are a new Premium Member with questions, this is your board!
Main Hall
Hang out with other Premium members and discuss the finer points of Neopian life. Indeed. Top drawer.
NC Mall
Hats, dresses, trousers, wigs, cookies, OH MY! Discuss NC Mall-related topics with NC Mall-related fellows here.
Spotlights and Games
Get some input on your gallery spotlight entry or get help on that tough game avatar. Your spotlight and game banter goes here.
For Premium members who fear the main trading/auction board... we don't blame you.

What goes on in these NeoBoards?

Charter Members:

Lots of cool things go on inside this board, such as: 1 NP Auction Tuesdays, Random Act of Kindness Fridays, Avatar Item Lending, and Avatar Pet Lending - all these boards are run by either one Premium user or a series of Premium users, not by Neopets. This board is so special because only Premium users who have had Premium for more than 4 months get access to it!

Help and Newbies:

This NeoBoard is full of question topics. Here is an example: Where is the Boss button? This board really isn't all that special, any Premium user can access it, and it's just full of questions. And to answer the question the Boss Button is covered in our Portal Overview guide.

Main Hall:

This is where Premium users hang out and chat about general things, if they don't have access to the Charter boards yet.

NC Malll:

Similar to the non-Premium NC board, this board is used to discuss anything NC related including new releases, NC events and trades.

Spotlights and Games:

One of the slowest boards, but great if you are into gaming and beauty contents. This is the place to advertise for votes, chat about the current game on beta, or any game for that matter.

Trading Auctions:

The description in this one says it all. This board is for advertising and seeking items for trade or auction for those who dislike getting bumped so fast off the main trading board.

While each of these boards have their own special feel, all of them are only able to be access by Premium users. If you would like to know more about different Premium features then check out some more of the Premium pages right here on TheDailyNeopets.

Interested in trying Premium Neopets? Check out our How to Sign-Up page.

Written by Superfly
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