Festival of Neggs 2020


The yearly Festival of Neggs has returned as a way to celebrate all things Spring- and negg-related. This year's Festival will begin on April 9th, 2020 and end on April 24th, 2020.

NOTE: Day 1 of the event will begin on April 9th and run through April 10th.

How It Works

Kari, the Negg Faerie, is back this season and is hiding egg stashes around Neopia! Every day he will provide clues for us to find him.

Once you have found the negg stash for the day, Kari will offer you one of three of the special themed Neggs. Upon choosing, Kari will give you a random one of the three prizes from that Negg. There are 5 different themed neggs in total, but each time you find the negg stash, she will randomly choose which three to offer you.

Finding the stash every day on the day of release will reward you with a bonus prize at the end of the event.

Stash Locations

Day Clues Location
April 9 - 10 I see... I see: a throne. Upon which a King appears to have the blues... Or he IS blue. Hard to tell.. Grumpy Old King
April 11 I'm seeing giant heads... on a mysterious beach. Does that mean anything to you? The Beach
April 12 I hear a voice. It's saying, "Slickety-splat, did you see that Darblat?" What is this? Some kind of game? Dar-BLAT!!
April 13 I can see a ship that doesn't sail... And a sale that only accepts golden dubloons. The Golden Dubloon
April 14 This tree has a mind of its own. Literally... And you can see it! Eww. The BRAIN Tree
April 15 Oh dear. I can feel the Dark magic of a purple Faerie in Faerieland. Jhudora's Bluff
April 16 What desert tomb has a puzzle?... that IS the puzzle. Sutek's Tomb
April 17 I am walking into caves of a primeval world. There are markings made on the walls. Almost... Artistic. Tyrannian Cave Painting
April 18 I hear the sifting of scrolls in Brightvale. The Scrollery
April 19 At the bottom of a lake... To find them, you'll need to take some kind of tour. Glass Bottom Boat Tours
April 20 I seea city in the cloud... And mmn! Something smells tasty. Culinary Concoctions
April 21 I can hear a lot of Grundos at work. I think it's in some kind of storage space. Grundo Warehouse
April 22 The thief left some luggage at this Neopia Central Resort. Neolodge
April 23 You must glide... Underground. Cave Glider
April 24 I see a moon. And miners. They're diggin for something... Kreludan Mining Corp.

Negg Prizes

There are different themed neggs that you can be offered, each with three unique prizes.

Mechanical Neggs

Upon choosing your Negg, you may also be given a Magical Negg that can only be used by purchasing a Spyder Neggbot Tinker Kit in the NC Mall. For prize listings and more information, please view our guide.

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