Advent Calendar Coverage: 2023
Welcome to The Daily Neopets' Advent Calendar coverage! For every day in the month of December, Neopets gives away free Neopets items, free Neopoints, and free Neopets prizes on the Advent Calendar . The Daily Neopets' Advent Calendar archives (which you're probably viewing right now) have a complete list of all of the prizes the Advent Calendar has given out.
You're viewing the Neopets Advent Calendar archives for the year 2023.
2023 Advent Calendar Prizes Archive
Friday, December 1st |
Today you find... 2,052 Neopoints!!!
Saturday, December 2nd |
Today you find... 973 Neopoints!!!
Sunday, December 3rd |
Today you find... 855 Neopoints!!!
Monday, December 4th |
Today you find... 707 Neopoints!!!
Tuesday, December 5th |
Today you find... 1036 Neopoints!!!
Wednesday, December 6th |
Today you find... 789 Neopoints!!!
Thursday, December 7th |
Today you find... 951 Neopoints!!!
Friday, December 8th |
Today you find... 799 Neopoints!!!
Saturday, December 9th |
Today you find... 892 Neopoints!!!
Sunday, December 10th |
Today you find... 809 Neopoints!!!
Monday, December 11th |
Today you find... 1776 Neopoints!!!
Tuesday, December 12th |
Today you find... 912 Neopoints!!!
Wednesday, December 13th |
Today you find... 1555 Neopoints!!!
Thursday, December 14th |
Today you find... 754 Neopoints!!!
Friday, December 15th |
Today you find... 822 Neopoints!!!
Saturday, December 16th |
Today you find... 1831 Neopoints!!!
Sunday, December 17th |
Today you find... 1,702 Neopoints!!!
Monday, December 18th |
Today you find... 865 Neopoints!!!
Tuesday, December 19th |
Today you find... 904 Neopoints!!!
Wednesday, December 20th |
Today you find... 1,692 Neopoints!!!
Thursday, December 21st |
Today you find... 762 Neopoints!!!
Friday, December 22nd |
Today you find... 1,489 Neopoints!!!
Saturday, December 23rd |
Today you find... 2520 Neopoints!!!
Sunday, December 24th |
Today you find... 4,094 Neopoints!!!
Monday, December 25th |
Today you find... 6,331 Neopoints!!!
Tuesday, December 26th |
Today you find... 632 Neopoints!!!
Wednesday, December 27th |
Today you find... 798 Neopoints!!!
Thursday, December 28th |
Today you find... 821 Neopoints!!!
Friday, December 29th |
Today you find... 974 Neopoints!!!
Saturday, December 30th |
Today you find... 1439 Neopoints!!!
Sunday, December 31st |
Today you find... 2,500 Neopoints!!!
Advent Calendar Dialogue
To our surprise the advent calendar featured some dialogue that might be hinting toward the upcoming plot. On Day 6 of the advent we were met with a conversation between Orion & Reina. All future dialogue, should there be anymore, will be posted below.
Day 6
Day 6 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Orion | Reina, please we must stop the Advent Calendar! |
Reina | Hold up! Orion? What are you doing here? |
Orion | I know we don't know each other well, but this is important! Something terrible is about to happen! |
Reina | You aren't making any sense. Why do we need to stop the Advent Calendar? |
Orion | There isn't any time, we need to prepare as soon as possible. I...I don't know how I am seeing these things but I know it can't be good! |
Reina | Take a deep breath, Orion! Now please start over. I don't understand what you are talking about. |
Orion | I'm sorry. A...a few days ago, I was consulting my cards as I walked when...a tender and resonant plucking came to me, and moments later I tripped over this Lyre in the snow! Since then I have had terrible visions. Visions that I fear will soon impact all of Neopia greatly! |
Reina | Orion, you look like you haven't slept in days. I admire your determination, but I think you need to go home and get some rest. |
Orion | Please Reina, you must promise me you'll stop the Advent Calendar. Now is not the time for fun and games, something horrible is coming to Neopia, something we must prepare for. |
Reina | For your own sake, go get some sleep. You look unwell! If you are still worried, we can talk more about this later. |
Day 15
Day 15 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Orion | Reina, what are you doing? You promised me you'd stop the Advent Calendar! |
Reina | Orion, you're back? Did you get any sleep? You still look exhausted! |
Orion | I...I tried, but the sound of the Lyre torments me every night, never allowing me a moment of silence…wait that isn't the point! This all needs to stop right away, you promised! |
Reina | I didn't promise anything, Orion. I'm sorry for what you are going through, but Neopians rely on the Advent Calendar to bring them warmth and cheer during the most frigid time of year. I can't shut it all down over nightmares. |
Orion | They aren't just nightmares!! They are premonitions! We all need to prepare! Please just listen to me! |
Reina | Orion stop! The Advent Calendar simply means too much. I can't just shut it down without proof. |
Orion | Fine, you want proof. I'll get you proof! |
Day 26
Day 26 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Orion | I have found a way to show you my visions! The |
Reina | Orion, this has gone too far! |
Orion | These may be the final days of the Advent Calendar, but I need to show Neopia the visions that keep tormenting me. I don't know why they are coming to me, but I know they are important... somehow. |
Reina | You really are serious about this, aren't you? |
Orion | Please Reina, this is the only thing I can think to do. |
Reina | can you show us? |
Orion | The Lyre! I discovered that when I play it, those who hear it share in my visions. Before, they came to me choppy and distorted... but with this, I can see the visions clear as day. And I can share them with you all as well! Please just listen! |
Day 30
Day 30 Dialogue | |
Speaker | Dialogue |
Reina | That...that was... |
Orion | I told you I'm not crazy! |
Reina | We need to do something! We need to tell someone! |
Fyora | That someone is already here. |
Orion | Queen Fyora! But how did you... |
Fyora | That instrument you found has been emitting an incredible amount of unknown magic. I've been investigating it for weeks and your prolonged playing led me right to its source. |
Orion | Unknown magic? |
Fyora | Yes, you seem to have stumbled upon a powerful artefact imbued with magic even I am unfamiliar with. Yet another troubling development... |
Reina | Does that mean the Lyre is dangerous? Should we have even played it?! What if- |
Fyora | Easy Reina. You were right to let Orion share his visions. It's too soon to tell what exactly this artefact is capable of, but playing it only seemed to clarify and project the visions Orion has been experiencing. |
Reina | Phew! What a relief... and here I was worried I brought doom to Neopia after just my third time organising the Advent Calendar! |
Fyora | Nonsense! You handled the situation quite well. I have no doubt your grandmother will be proud to hear of the compassionate Aisha you've become. |
Reina | Oh! I- um- well thank you Queen Fyora... That's too kind. |
Fyora | I owe you both an apology as well. I'm sorry it took me so long to find the source of this strange magic. It seems to have taken quite the toll on you already Orion. |
Orion | Yes, well, I suppose I have been better... |
Fyora | Come, you and I must discuss this all at once. After we find a way to get you some sleep that is! |

Next sleep in 2h, 24m, 17s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST