Lulu on Vacation

Lulu has declined to participate in the Daily Dare events this year. Instead, Lulu is on vacation exploring Roo Island. AAA and Abigail are busy with games, so Lulu is looking for interested Neopians to join her on her tour.
Getting Started
In order to participate in Lulu on Vacation, you'll need to purchase packs of Roo Island Entry Tickets from the NC Mall. They are available for purchase in the Specialty NC Mall shop in packs of 1, 5, 10 and 20. Once you have purchased your entry pack, go over to your Inventory to activate them. From there you can proceed to the Lulu on Vacation page. Use your Entry Tickets to join Lulu on her adventure.
For joining Lulu, she'll award you with a special NC Mall wearable item with every tourist location you explore with her. You'll be able to receive your prizes from April 25th to May 15, 2018. Entry packs are able to be applied to previous days allowing you to view that days' prize before making your selection. Be sure to use your entry packs before the event ends and the page is taken down!
There will be a bonus prize awarded to those who visit all 20 locatiosn with Lulu during the event. Prizes may only be claimed once per account and you may participate in this event on your side accounts. For more information on this event, please read through the FAQ.
Daily Prizes

Autumn Sunset Lake View Background

Garden Door Art Trinket

Abstract Print Summer Scarf

Turquoise Hair with Sunflowers

Palm Tree Beach Shorts

Flowy Floral Summer Dress

Patterned Leaves Potted Plant

Grapefruit Necklace

Brown Hair with Bandana

Striped Tshirt

Blue and White Striped Beach Bag

Vintage Tea Party Dress

Denim Cap with Brown Curly Hair

Floral Canopy Background

Flower Baskets Trinket

Palm Trees Sunglasses

Multicolored Playhouse Teepee

Starfish Shell Necklace

Blue Tropical Skirt

Yellow Sneakers

Terrace and Beach View BG

Next sleep in 2h, 30m, 25s.

Mar 9: 11 AM/PM NST
Mar 10: 4 AM/PM NST
Mar 11: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 12: 2 AM/PM NST
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