Be-Gone Removal Potions


It's time to bring our customisations to a whole new level! The NC Mall has introduced new ways to remove unwanted pet anatomy from your Neopets including Eyes, Ruff, Wings and more! Be-Gone removal potions work with most basic colours, where the base anatomy is the same, despite the colour.

How It Works

Head to the NC Mall and purchase the respective potion(s) for 150 NC that you would like to use to remove a specific anatomy. Or you may purchase the Superpack for 1,500 NC and get a bonus Body removal potion.

After purchase, head to your inventory and use the potion(s) on the pet with the part you wish to remove. Note that some restrictions apply, depending on your pets colour. View our list below to see if your pet is eligible for removal!

For more information, please visit the official FAQ page for these potions. If anything is incorrect or out of date on our guide, please submit a ticket here.

Basic Colors

The Neopets Team classifies the following colors to be basic. Refer to this list to see if your pets' color is considered to be basic. Hover over the images to view the color names if you're unsure what the color is. The lab only colors are highlighted in grey for this section. For colors that have a Boy and Girl version, hover over the image to see if your pets' gender is listed.

The Potions

Be-Gone Superpack | Antenna & Horns Be-Gone! | Body Be-Gone! | Drippings Be-Gone! | Eyes Be-Gone! | Feet Be-Gone! | Glow Effects Be-Gone! | Hair Be-Gone! | Hind Be-Gone! | Mouth Be-Gone! | Ruff Be-Gone! | Wings Be-Gone!

Be-Gone Superpack

The Be-Gone Superpack is available for purchase in the NC Mall for 1,150 NC. This superpack contains all 9 of the purchaseable Be-Gone potions. It also contains a special Body Be-Gone! potion which is exclusive to this superpack.

Be-Gone Superpack

Antenna & Horns Be-Gone!

The Antenna & Horns Be-Gone! potion works with all Basic Neopet Colours containing these features. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Chia Chomby
Draik Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert
Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam
Jubjub Kacheek Kiko Koi Korbat
Kougra Lupe Meerca Mynci Nimmo
Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle
Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Techo
Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Usul
Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara

Body Be-Gone!

The Body Be-Gone! potion works with most Basic Neopet Colours. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Blumaroo Bori Chia Chomby
Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Ixi Jetsam

Korbat Kougra Kyrii Lenny Lupe
Meerca Moehog Nimmo Peophin Pteri
Quiggle Ruki Skeith Usul Wocky

Drippings Be-Gone!

The Drippings Be-Gone! potion works with most Basic Neopet Colours. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce
Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik
Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu
Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam
JubJub Kacheek Kau Kiko Koi
Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny
Lupe Lutari Meerca Moehog Mynci
Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri
Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith
Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Usul
Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara

Eyes Be-Gone!

The Eyes Be-Gone! potion works with all Neopet Colors, except for the following:

Feet Be-Gone!

The Feet Be-Gone! potion works with most Basic Neopet Colours. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce
Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik
Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu Grarrl
Grundo Ixi Jetsam Kacheek Korbat
Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny Lupe
Meerca Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle
Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Techo Tonu
Usul Wocky Yurble Zafara

Glow Effects Be-Gone!

The Glow Effects Be-Gone! potion works with pet colors containing a glow. This potion works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce
Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik
Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu
Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam
JubJub Kacheek Kau Kiko Koi
Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny
Lupe Lutari Meerca Moehog Mynci
Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri
Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith
techo Tonu Tuskanniny Uni Usul
Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara

Hair Be-Gone!

The Hair Be-Gone! potion works with most basic pet colors containing hair. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Bori Bruce Buzz

Chia Chomby
Cybunny Draik Elephante Gelert Gnorbu
Hissi Ixi Kau Kiko Koi

Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny
Lupe Meerca Moehog Mynci Nimmo

Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle

Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Tonu Tuskaninny
Uni Usul Wocky Xweetok Yurble

Hind Be-Gone!

The Hind Be-Gone! potion works with most basic pet colors containing hind biology. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce
Buzz Chomby Cybunny Draik Eyrie
Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu Grarrl Hissi
Jetsam Kacheek Kau Kyrii Kougra
Krawk Lenny Lupe Meerca Moehog
Mynci Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle
Pteri Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith
Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Usul Wocky
Xweetok Zafara

Mouth Be-Gone!

The Mouth Be-Gone! potion works with all Neopet Colors, except for the following:

Ruff Be-Gone!

The Ruff Be-Gone! potion works with most basic pet colors containing ruff biology. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Aisha Blumaroo Cybunny Eyrie Grarrl
Ixi Kau Kiko Koi Korbat
Lenny Ogrin Poogle Pteri Ruki
Shoyru Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Usul
Wocky Xweetok Yurble

Wings Be-Gone!

The Wings Be-Gone! potion works with most basic pet colors containing wings. This potion also works with the following colors:

Click Here to Expand Table
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce
Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik
Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu
Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam
JubJub Kacheek Kiko Koi Korbat
Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lupe Lutari
Meerca Moehog Mynci Nimmo Ogrin
Peophin Poogle Quiggle Ruki Scorchio
Shoyru Skeith Techo Tonu Tuskaninny
Uni Usul Wocky Xweetok Yurble

Additional Information

For further information and to test out these magical potions on your pet before purchasing, check out Dress to Impress. Our guide is as accurate as posible with the information we have from Neopets, but may not contain all the possible species and color combinations these potions will work on.

Written by Hrtbrk & Mouseykins
Errors or incorrect info? Contact Us
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