Tutorial Quests
Tutorial Quests
As an introduction to the new Quests Hub page, and to Neopets itself, players are eligible to complete an extensive 6 step tutorial quest log to famililarize themselves with the game and to earn some prizes!

Tutorial: Step 1
Step 1 introduces you to the website and has you activating your account, creating a new Neopet, sending 3 Neofriend requests (they can be to the same person), sending a Neomail, and clicking through all tabs on the Settings page (make sure they fully load!).
Step 1 Prizes
Additionally, you will earn two of the following paint brushes and petpets:
Tutorial: Step 2
Step 2 has you feeding your pet any food item, grooming your pet with any grooming items, giving your pet any Toy item to play with, attaching a petpet to your pet and customizing your pet.
Step 2 Prize:

25,000 NP
Tutorial: Step 3
Step 3 has you bookmarking any mobile friendly page by pressing the heart button on their respective page, visiting five Neopian lands, using a scratchcard (Deserted Fairfround, Lost Desert or Terror Mountain will do), spinning any Wheel (Wheel of Excitement, Wheel of Knowledge, Wheel of Mediocrity or Wheel of Misfortune) and taking your petpet to the Grave Danger Daily.

Bookmark A Mobile Friendly Page


Step 3 Prize:

50,000 NP
Tutorial: Step 4
Step 4 has you painting your pet with a Paint Brush at the Rainbow Pool (the starter paint brushes you earned earlier work), send 5 scores of any games, send a Refer-A-Friend invite to someone (even yourself), battling in the Battledome and training your pet at one of the Academy's (Secret Ninja School does not count).
Completing Step 4 will give one of the following NC items:
Tutorial: Step 5
Step 5 has you buying an item from any users shop, entering an Art or Writing contest (Customization Contest is best), setting up your own Shop, adding a stamp (including coins, shells and charms) to your album, purchasing a stock and earning a secret avatar (Emo Usuki Shop Keeper is easiest).
Completing Step 5 will give one of the following NC items:
Tutorial: Final Step
The final step of the Tutorial Quest Log has you creating a lot on the Trading Post, having 1 million Neopoints in the Bank, completing a Brain Tree and Edna quests, completing a Treasure Map (Forgotten Shore will do) and using a Nerkmid at the Alien Aisha Vending Machine.
Completing all quests in Final Step will earn you one of the following:

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