Neopian Times Editorial

The Editorial section is a collection of questions from Neopets Users. It doesn't necessarily mean it is a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ), but there are cases in which it is (i.e. a plot question, glitch, etc).

Neopian Times Editorial

If you get your question published, then you are very lucky! The Neopets Team receive literally thousands of questions a day so it would be extremely hard for them to answer them all. If you really need your question answer by The Neopets Team, here are a few guidelines.

Read. Try to read the last 5 issues of The Neopian Times and check if they haven't already answered a question similar to yours.

Write Well. Make sure you are polite, use good grammar and spelling, and be reasonable about the length of your question. Ask long questions if you really need to, but if you just want a straight forward answer, then keep your question short.

Ask with detail. Be 100% clear. Make sure you tell them what happened, what you did, and how long it has been. Here are a few examples about what you would ask for random situations:

Plot Question: Hello TNT, in (insert name of plot) there was a character that was defeated during the second war at the Battledome. What is the name of its species? Thanks, and have a good day/night.
Scam/Harassment Question: I bid on a trade for a paint brush and the owner was asking for 500k pure Neopoints. I offered the Neopoints, but the owner said s/he was now asking for 1 million. I told the owner that I was going to pass on the offer and minutes later s/he sent me Neomails telling me s/he was going to report me for not bidding on the trade. I'm very new to Neopets and I don't know if a report will do for this case?

Be Aware of Privacy. At the end of your question, write whether you want your username to be covered or not. If you don't mention it in your question, then The Neopets Team will assume you want your username to be displayed. I would suggest doing this if you are reporting a certain scam and you want some privacy.

Clean it all up. Try not to write 3 sentences about how much Neopets rocks. Go straight to the point. You can, however, write something like "You rock TNT!"

6) The Waiting. Just wait and check every issue to see if your question has been posted. Keep in mind, you will NOT receive a Neomail from The Neopets Team telling you that they chose your question.

7) Don'ts. Try not to spam their questions inbox by sending your questions many times per week. Keep in mind that if you do not get answered in the edition after you asked the question, it is unlikely they will answer it.

8) Submitting. In order to submit a question, you need to use the form located at the end of the Editorial page.

Remember your username will added automatically, so you don't need to write your username at all!

Written by Ellie
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