The Money Tree

Have you ever wondered where you donate your items to, or what the ghosts who steal your Neopoints (NP) do with them? Well look no further, venture into the center of Neopia Central and you will find your answer, The Money Tree ! There are always items here, sometimes rubbish and sometimes a few valuable items.
Normally you will find junk (items people have fished from Underwater Fishing or what they received from their dailies) here. Sometimes, you may find items of value, like a treasure map piece or maybe even a paintbrush. These are extremely rare to see and get your hands on. Normally, these high value items are donated by accident or becuase the Neopian is quitting the site.
With the release of the NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie, it is now possible to get NC items from the tree. Occasionally, they will show up after NC items are discarded through this fortune cookie. A pre-set pool of items are available after someone chooses to use this fortune cookie no matter what they choose to donate. Any of the following items could be randomly chosen to appear as a NC item at the money tree.
List of Possible NC Items:
Grabbing Items
Choose what you'd like wisely as you can only get ten items every day. Higher valued items will go much quicker.

When successfully grabbing an item you will receive the above image and the following message:
"Yeah! You got it! Thanks for visiting. We hope you enjoy your free gift. Remember, though, there are others out there less fortunate thank you...".
A good tip for grabbing items more quickly is to ctrl+click the item you want so it opens another tab in your browser as successfully obtaining an item will not give you the option to return to the Money Tree should you not be at your daily limit yet.

If you're not quick enough however you will receive the above image, and a message that says:
"Oops! Too late...somebody seems to have taken that item while you were pondering."
You will aslo have the option to return to the Money Tree and try again. THis will also show up once you've reached your item limit for the day. The Money Tree will not keep track of how many items you have successfully grabbed so you will have to make sure to do that yourself.
In Neopia, there are many famous good (and evil) civilians that come to donate at the money tree; they are:
Balthazar - Every Wednesday, at 7 A.M. Neopian Standard Time (NST), you may be able to grab something worthwhile. At this time, Balthazar donates a few bottled faeries to The Money Tree.
Generous NC Mall Shopper - NC items that are donated via an NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie by a user can show up at the Tree anonymously.
Health Frog - At 7 A.M. NST every day, the Health Frog will come to the money tree and provides the vegetarian Neopets by donating anywhere from ten to two hundred different fruits and vegetables.
The Lupe Pack - Every Sunday at 5:50 P.M. NST the Lupe Pack will come and share their goodies with you - by donating them. These are generally the white and dark chocolate Chias.
Pango Pango - At 10:45 AM and 10:45 PM, Pango Pango, a Mystery Island chief coconut might donate hundreds of exotic fruits to The Money Tree.
Scamander in Chef - Finally the last donator is Scamander in Chef. The particulary of this donator is that the hundreds of Scamanders he donates are very hard to catch, but there is a slight chance for you to get one of these Scamander petpets!

Thanks to Ed for the screenie.
How to Donate
If you're having a good day and you decide to do something nice, you can always donate some Neopoints or how about some items to The Money Tree to help the less fortunate.
Items - To donate items, simply click on the item, in your inventory , you wish to donate. On the pop-up screen, simply select the donate option in the drop down menu, and click submit. If you wish to donate more than one item, you can also use a nice feature called, Quick Stock
, simply select the donate radio button for each item you would like to donate.
Neopoints - To donate Neopoints, you have to go to The Money Tree . If you scroll down to the bottom, you will see an option to donate Neopoints. There are two rules about donating the NP though:
1. You can donate between 6 NP and 5k at one time.
2. You can only donate up to 50k per day.
Neocash - To donate NC items you will need an NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie. Please note that no matter what you donate there is a pre-set pool of items that will be choosen to be offered at the Money Tree, you can see more on that above and find out more about the NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie here.
The Void Within Plot

Leading up to the start of the 2024 plot The Void Within, many famous Neopet landmarks and shopkeepers began turning grey. One of which being The Money Tree. Upon turning grey users discovered that there were four new items to be found there, you can see a list of those below.

Next sleep in 2h, 2m, 57s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST