Chef Bonju - The Character and His Avatar
The Character
Chef Bonju is probably the most famous of all plot characters. Why? Because of his avatar. However, we'll get to that later.
Bonju is an Orange Blumaroo, to put it frankly. He is found in Shenkuu at Culinary Concoctions , which is very similar to Mystery Island's Cooking Pot
. However, there are no known recipes that can be used there.

Bonju made his debut in the Cyodrake's Gaze plot in 2006. He was the crew member that pushed Hoban (the Navigator) off the ship in the storm. He's also known for his bad food (despite him being a "master culinary artist"). He was also featured in Neopets Puzzle Adventure (video game).
Bonju is featured in two released items:
The Avatar
The Chef Bonju avatar tookover three years to figure out. On August 28, 2009, TNT released an Editorial with various hints to the avatar, located here . The solution was found soon after (about a couple hours). You must set the Mad About Orange avatar to your active avatar and then mix:
in the Cooking Pot on Mystery Island, NOT Culinary Concoctions. However, it is a seasonal avatar - it is only available during the month of August.


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