The Charity Corner


Granny Hopbobbin is hosting a charity drive for Neopians in need, and she needs help collecting some toys. Those who wish to donate can choose to donate either neocash items or neopoint items in the Toy Drive or Adopt-A-Neopian programs. The elderly Acara will be sure to reward all donators for their generosity.


Every day there will be a new letter from a Neopian in need, describing five items they want. Find the items this Neopian is asking for, and Granny Hopbobbin will show her gratitude by awarding exclusive prizes!

Mugsy Island Sandies
Island Sandies
Items Needed

Babaa Care, Altador Rug, Bottle of Orange Sand, Bottle of Blue Sand, Cheery Plant

Soggy Boots King of the Island
King of the Island
Items Needed

Pirate Hat Toffees, Pirate Lip Balm, Outdoor Pirate Flag, Pirate Potato Crisps, Pirate Flotsam Plushie

Buttercup Potion of Good Dreams
Potion of Good Dreams
Items Needed

Amber Sword, Cobrall Dagger, Grooming Your Faellie, Faellie Handbook, Space Faerie Pencil Case

Moss Long Lost Kazoofish
Long Lost Kazoofish
Items Needed

Maraquan Defenders Stamp, Maraquan Apple, Maraquan Grackle Bug, Maraquan Faerie Tales, Maraquan Bed Time Stories

Stuck At University Brightvale University Mug
Brightvale University Mug
Items Needed

Abominable Snowball Light String, Fresh Bamboo Chair, Giant Red Kelp, Giant Green Kelp, Bean Bag of Nova

Vandagyre in the Pound Lucky Vandagyre Feather
Lucky Vandagyre Feather
Items Needed

Brown Rice Bowl, Black Cherry Tea, Assorted Mini Biscuits, Pandaphant Puppet, Strange Growling Box

Tom Cotterpin Back in the Good Old Days
Back in the Good Old Days
Items Needed

Neopian Times Issue 3, Gorunda the Wise, General Crustygums, Wocky T-Shirt, Wooden Blocking Shield

Drina Christmas Taweret
Christmas Taweret
Items Needed

Desert Arrow Launcher, Desert Kabob, Lost Desert Architecture, A History of the Lost Desert, Desert Poogle Music Box

Fiona of Faerie Friends Flying Holiday Neggnog
Flying Holiday Neggnog
Flying Holiday Neggnog

Bit of Barbed Wire, Shimmery Seagrass, Piece of Wool, Poison Snowball, Evil Snowball

Wemberly Old Fashioned Camera
Old Fashioned Camera
Items Needed

Bone Vault Background, Cave Foreground, Courgette Field Background, Scary Ink Frame, Relaxing Shenkuu Rock Garden

Pearl Giant Pearl Ornament
Giant Pearl Ornament
Items Needed

Butterfish, Transparifish, Giant Giant Squid, Titanic Giant Squid, Treasure Map Negg

Soup Faerie's Apprentice Soup Pops
Soup Pops
Items Needed

Scorched Grackle-Stuffed Turkey, Corn Bread, Raw Potato, Organic Korbat Pumpkins, Chocolate Cherry Bundt Cake

Winston Sugar Brains
Sugar Brains
Items Needed

Baked Asparagus Biscuit, Bite Size Celery, Butterscotch Disc, Dark Red Spooky Candle, Zombie Handbook

Mutant Fan Mutant Powtry
Mutant Powtry
Items Needed

Mutant Ona Slide Puzzle, Mutant Tigersquash, Wind Up Mutant Jetsam, Mutant Tonu Squeezy Toy, Mix and Match Mutant Puzzle

SDB Nut The Safety Deposit Box Guide
The Safety Deposit Box Guide
Items Needed

Reject Curly Shaped Sand, Tiki Tack Keyring, Tombola Keyring, Tombola Visor, Tombola Pencil Sharpener

Disco Dizzy Junior PPL Badge
Junior PPL Badge
Items Needed

Blue Moon Petpet Bed, Mouldy Petpet Bed, Wind Up Zytch, Cyodrake Scratching Post, Disco Petpet Food

Ixgorn High Tech Candle
High Tech Candle
Items Needed

Space Rock Soup, Space Slug Soup, Space Spice, Space Faerie Hair Brush, Space Faerie Blocks

Toy Drive

In addition to the Adopt-A-Neopian program, Granny Hopbobbin is also hosting a toy drive where generous Neopians can donate toys below R100. In exchange for these donations, the Acara will award a prize in the same rarity range as the toys that were donated. In other words, donations of R70-79 toys will produce a prize with a rarity of 70-79, and so forth. The ranges are as follows:

R35-R69 R70-R79 R80-R89 R90-R99

Note: All five items donated must be in the same range. Granny Hopbobbin will not accept any toy that is R100 or higher.

Gift Basket Centre

For those who choose to donate NC items, the Gift Basket Centre is the place to go. For more information, visit the customization guide here.


At the end of the toy drive, Granny Hopbobbin sent out neomails to everyone who donated at least once.

Donated 1 - 2099 times

"Your participation in the Charity Corner event this holiday season did not go unnoticed. Granny Hopbobbin was so delighted with your generosity that she personally sends her congratulations, along with 150 NC and 2000 NP. You have made an old Acara very happy."

Donated 2100+ times

"You made the top 10 Most Generous Neopians list! Granny Hopbobbin was amazed by your generosity during this Toy Drive. She thought it best to send a special congratulations, along with 1000 NC and 10,000 NP. She admires your energy, young Neopian!"

NOTE: The top 10 list award appears to be glitched right now. We will update the prize list as more information comes.

Written by Staff compiled
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