April Fools '08
In 2008, The Neopets Team suprised us with a new April Fools joke! This time, after browsing Neopets for a while, a message would appear on your screen, saying that you had been selected to beta test a brand new Neopets feature.

Neobuddy was presented as a feature that would match you with a Neopets character after taking a personality test. This character would then guide you around the site and would give you useful tips.
Neobuddy's Personality Test
- It's the weekend! Which sounds like the most enjoyable activity?\
- Crawling around some cavern looking for treasure.
- Swimming around a beautiful underwater city.
- Relaxing in your palace.
- Doing your homework. You have no time to dawdle, exams are coming!
- Brewing something in the kitchen.
- You're on vacation on Mystery Island, but you forgot your wallet! What will you do?
- Pull out your ray gun, zap someone, and take their money.
- Offer to take people on jungle hikes for a reasonable price.
- Borrow a little money. Everyone knows you, and they'll be well rewarded.
- Brandish your sword and demand the local villagers give you all their valuables.
- Challenge someone to a game with some money involved. You know you won't lose.
- What would a devious dark faerie try to tempt you with?
- A foolproof plan to take over Neopia.
- The location of an undiscovered island.
- The ability to change your cursed past.
- A whole lot of depth charges for a certain underwater city...
- A worthy opponent.
- When you were little, you spent most of your time...
- Throwing your wooden blocks at people and cackling madly.
- Searching the backyard for treasure.
- Preparing for the day you'll ascend the throne.
- Stealing toys from other children.
- Playing board games.
- Which of these would you consider your best quality?
- Your adventurous spirit.
- Your strong sense of empathy.
- You're quite cultured.
- Your intellect.
- Your rough personality. No one messes with you!
- How do you get along with your siblings?
- I'm an only child.
- We tend to butt heads a lot.
- We don't interact all that much.
- I adore mine!
- We watch out for each other. Don't mess with my siblings!
- What's your most common type of reading material?
- Treasure maps.
- The Neopian Times.
- Official documents.
- School books.
- Cookbooks.
- Which of these words do you like the most?
- Domination
- Adventure
- Royalty
- Treasure
- Triumph
Your closest Neobuddy match is... Bug Eye McGee

Despite the fact that Neopets included other possible matches on their results page, the only Neobuddy you could have was a character that you probably never heard about before named Bug Eye McGee! This Techo had a unique personality and could shout 'advice' at you randomly during April Fools Day.
Here are a few quotes from our favorite Neobuddy:

Of course, all of this was only a joke and things were back to normal on April 2nd! Don't we all miss our cool Neobuddy?

Next sleep in 1h, 56m, 37s.

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