Mysterious Magical Neggs '18
Returning this year to the Festival of Neggs is Mysterious Magical Neggs! This event adds additional fun to Topsi's non-traditional negg hunt. You'll need to solve the clues given by Topsi each day and select a negg he's offering to receive your special Magical Negg. What are you waiting for? Let's go negg hunting!
On the same page Topsi is found he will give you a choice of three neggs, select the one you'd like and you'll receive your Neopoint prize and the Magical Negg. To learn what Topsi's clue is and where to find him, check out our main Festival of Neggs '18 page. Once you've chosen your negg and received the Magical Negg, head on over to the NC Mall Specialty Shop to purchase a Magically Mysterious Dust for 125NC. Now bring your Magical Negg and Magically Mysterious Dust to the Mysterious Magical Neggs event page. You will then be given your NC item once you fill the negg with the dust you've purchased. You will need one bag of dust for each negg you wish to fill. A new Magical Negg will only be released every 5 days!
When Topsi has been found he will look like the following picture.
Once you've chosen which negg you'd like to open, you'll be presented with the Magical Negg.
Magical Neggs and Prizes
Because there is a pool of 5 prizes for each Magical Negg, they can all be filled up to 5 times to get each of the items in the pool. Meaning, you won't get duplicates.
Date | Prize Pool |
March 29 - April 3 Sprouting Flower Magical Negg Location: The Rainbow Pool |
April 4 - April 8 Mosaic Magical Negg Location: Faerie Paint Brushes |
April 9 - April 13 Sparkly Magical Negg Location: The Crumpetmonger |
Next sleep in 5h, 17m, 45s.
Jan 23: 8 AM/PM NST
Jan 24: 1 AM/PM NST
Jan 25: 6 AM/PM NST
Jan 26: 11 AM/PM NST
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