Festival of Neggs 2024

The yearly Festival of Neggs has returned as a way to celebrate all things Spring- and negg-related. This year's Festival will begin on April 22nd, 2024 and end on May 7th, 2024.
How It Works
Kari, the Negg Faerie, is back this season and she is looking very grey! Every day Kari will provide clues for us to find her valued Neggs.
Once you have found the negg stash for the day, Kari will offer you one of three of the special themed Neggs. Upon choosing, she will give you a random one of the three prizes from that Negg. There are 5 different themed neggs in total, but each time you find the negg stash, she will randomly choose which three to offer you.

Finding the stash every day on the day of release will reward you with a bonus prize at the end of the event.
Stash Locations
Day | Clues | Location |
April 22 - 23 | It's the start of another festival, so I hid the neggs somewhere central. Near some treats that no one would call inedible. | Neopian Fresh Foods |
April 24 | You'll easily find these neggs somewhere sweet if you think lakes are neat. | Kiko Lake Treats |
April 25 | You'll sure be bouncy if you...ah, I can't think of a rhyme! The neggs are in the Roo Island Souvenirs shop. | Roo Island Souvenirs Shop | April 26 | Our good friend Orion is here to help! The neggs are now hidden someplace no one should hear you yelp! | Booktastic Books |
April 27 | f you consider yourself a connoisseur of classical decor, you'll find these neggs where you go shopping galore! | Chesterdrawers Antiques |
April 28 | Surrounded by trinkets these neggs do lay, to find them you may have to talk to a shopkeeper who speaks in a peculiar way! | Ugga Shinies |
April 29 | These neggs are protected by some of the most glorious buddies around. If you're lucky enough to take one home you won't be let down! | Legendary Petpets |
April 30 | There's no need to take the neggs up as a sacrifice, but if you have a couple of stones you could throw them in for a price! | Mystery Island Volcano |
May 1 | Where delights are so enticing you'd sprout wings and fly, these neggs are next to some heavenly pie! | Faerie Foods |
May 2 | If all the merchandise has a small smile, you'll know you're close to finding the next negg pile! | Motery |
May 3 | Finding these neggs does not depend on your methodology, but if you know where you can find arms of quality! | Wonderous Weaponry |
May 4 | You can learn all the insights of those long-gone, after you find these neggs amongst parchments with curses upon. | Sutek's Scrolls |
May 5 | These neggs aren't by the seashore, but she does sell them for sure! | Collectable Sea Shells |
May 6 | Sometimes the best offence is defence, so these neggs are up somewhere that will keep them safe no matter the expense. | Space Armour |
May 7 | Hopefully, these neggs don't end up in a magical brew, or else we'll have to travel back in time to make them anew. | Kayla's Potion Shop |
May 8 | Nothing gets the gears moving like a nice game of wit! You'll find these last neggs where you can try on the hottest new outfit! | Grundos Cafe |
Orion Locations
Help Orion by searching the following locations each day to help piece together the visions from his dream. NOTE: Once you have discovered *something* at one of the aforementioned locations, that location cannot repeat on any of the remaining days.
After finding all locations, head to Moltara Obsidian Company to help Orion and claim your prizes.
Negg Prizes
There are different themed neggs that you can be offered, each with three unique prizes.
Event Prizes
The final prizes for this year's Festival of Neggs has been released!
Finding all Neggs on Day of Release |
![]() Festival of Neggs Site Theme ![]() Grey Kari - Avatar |
Finding all Neggs During the Event |
![]() Festival of Neggs Site Theme ![]() Grey Kari - Avatar |
Finding At Least One Negg |
Event Dialogue
Scene 1 | |
Character | Dialogue |
Kari | Oh, another festival-goer...it is very good to see you. I am sorry if I am not myself. As I'm sure you can see I have been one of the victims of the unknown grey curse, and well...it has affected me more than I would like to admit. Unfortunately, I was struck by this curse before I could get much headway on this year's event... Luckily, I started on the creation of the neggs long before, but as for the hiding of the neggs and clues to find them...let's just say I am sort of winging it this year.... an unfortunate choice of words. Anyways, I sincerely apologise if I am unable to muster up my usual colourful self, but I hope you are still able to enjoy this year's festivities for the both of us!! |
Scene 2 | |
Character | Dialogue |
Kari | I...I'm sorry for yesterday. I just can't seem to get myself together. Just give me a moment here, and I'll be ready with a decent clue today. I promise. |
Orion | Hello, Kari. May I bother you for a moment? |
Kari | Orion? What are you doing here? |
Orion | Mira asked me if I could stop by. She said she would do it herself, but you already told her "Under no circumstances should she busy herself with the festival when the world needs her right now." And when she went to protest, you said if she even tried to stop by you'd "make her regret it". Which she refused to elaborate on. |
Kari | Yes, I know that last part. I was there. |
Orion | Right. Of course. My apologies. |
Kari | No, no. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so curt. I'm just...well, you know. |
Orion | No need to apologise. I fully understand. It is to that point that I have come here. I would like to accompany you and aid in another year's festivities. If you will have me that is. |
Kari | Thank you for the offer Orion, but I heard about what happened during the Advent Calendar. Are you sure you are feeling well enough? |
Orion | Yes! I admit I was in rough shape there for a time, but the intense dreams and visions subsided soon after. I was plagued for a bit once again during the month of Awakening, but neither I nor Queen Fyora could make sense of those visions. And ever since then not even the playing of the Lyre has brought forth a revelation. |
Kari | So you're doing better? You still look rather...tired. |
Orion | Now my studies for answers is what keeps me up most nights, but no need to worry about that. Let's get back to the matter at hand. I heard you were struggling to hide the neggs and provide adequate riddles for them? I shall happily take up those tasks for you, and all you need to worry about is seeing the smiling faces of those who find them! Sound good? |
Kari | ...I don't know what to say. |
Orion | Just say today's riddle. I already have it written out for you! |
Scene 3 | |
Character | Dialogue |
Orion | Kari...I, I had another dream last night...a strong one. |
Kari | Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? |
Orion | Yes...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bringing this up during the festival. |
Kari | It's okay, if there's one thing I know about my festival-goers, it is that they are often happy to help out whenever needed. So, if you feel comfortable doing so maybe you can tell me about your dream. |
Orion | It was strange, it was the first one I've had that has so clearly been about some place in Neopia |
Kari | Oh, yeah? Where was it? |
Orion | I suppose I can't be certain, but the dream was dark besides that of the glow of molten lava. That has to be Moltara, right? |
Kari | Seems like it. What does that mean though? |
Orion | I don't know. I guess I can travel there tonight after I hide tomorrow's neggs. |
Kari | Do you want me to come with you? |
Orion | No, that's okay. You stay focused on the festival! I'll be back before you know it. |
Scene 4 | |
Character | Dialogue |
Orion | Hi, Kari. I've got news on my mission. |
Kari | Did you go to Moltara? |
Orion | Yes, but I couldn't find anything. |
Kari | Have you tried playing the Lyre again? |
Orion | It hasn't done much since the intense visions of the Advent Calendar, and Queen Fyora has advised me to refrain from playing the Lyre whenever possible. But...yes, I did. However, I had barely started when there was a big quake in the city. After that, I was bombarded by multiple visions! |
Kari | If you need to focus on this I would understand! |
Orion | No, I gave my word to the great Space Faerie that I would help. Besides, I would not abandon my friend in her time of need! |
Kari | Orion...I |
Orion | Hush now! Not another word on the matter. Besides, the festival may be just what I need for these circumstances. I can't manage this search on my own, but perhaps your festival-goers can help out! I can keep an eye out as I hide the neggs, but if they could also look around as they search for them, then we would cover a lot of ground fairly quickly! |
Kari | That's a great idea, but only if they feel up to it! |
Orion | Of course! All that is needed is for them to keep an eye out for anything odd around Neopia and to report back to me if they happen to see anything. The festival can still go on like normal, and I can preserve energy. As well as look into why the visions are back and what they could mean! The visions are too jumbled for me to pinpoint a starting place, so please don't overwork yourself. Even if you can only report back one strange occurences a day that would be enough to help me out! |
Scene 5 | |
Character | Dialogue |
Orion | Kari, if I may ask. How are you doing? I know there isn't much known about...what is happening, but I thought you may want to talk about it anyway. |
Kari | I'm sorry Orion, I'm not sure I'm up for talking about me...but I do worry for the rest of Neopia. There have been a few well-known cases, but everyday citizens are starting to be affected at random. So there's no way to figure out how everyone could be connected. I've talked with Naia and nothing seems to be able to help. Not the fountain, paintbrushes...nothing. If something isn't done soon, I don't know what it could mean for Neopia. You might actually be one of our best hopes, Orion. |
Orion | What do you mean? |
Kari | Those visions of yours had you convinced something terrible was coming to Neopia. Perhaps they were meant to warn us of this grey curse? |
Orion | I...I don't know. The things I've seen...they didn't really show anything useful. |
Kari | I'm sure they did. In some way |
Orion | I don't even know why or how they happened. Or why they are back now...I'm not sure I can take much more of this. |
Kari | I believed in your abilities back when we first met, and I believe in you now. You'll figure something out! |
Orion | Alright, if you can smile even through all this. Then I suppose I can keep pushing on as well. |
Scene 6 | |
Character | Dialogue |
Orion | What you said to me the other day, about believing in my abilities back during last year's festivities. It got me got me thinking. Ever since I found the Lyre I have consulted my cards many a time, but never garnered much information from them when it came to anything pertaining to the Lyre or my visions. But during last year's festival, I was able to gather more power through the help of a festival-goer. |
Kari | So do you need them to interact with your cards again? |
Orion | No, sadly I think even with the help of many festival-goers, we would not be able to crack the secrets behind the Lyre with just my cards alone. But the premise behind the help I received is what struck an idea in my head. The strongest visions I've had happened during the Advent Calendar, one of the biggest events of the year. Tons of Neopians gather together to celebrate it. No visions I've had yet have matched the ones during that event, but I did encounter another bout of dreams and visions during the month of Awakening. They weren't nearly as strong, but they lasted for some time. And what was happening that entire month? |
Kari | The Neopies? |
Orion | Exactly! Another large gathering of Neopians! Just like I needed to gather power from another to make my card readings stronger, I think the Lyre must need the power of all of us gathered together to power it enough to send these messages! |
Kari | That seems a little farfetched... |
Orion | I know...it's just a theory. My other is that since it's a musical instrument, maybe the Lyre likes having a crowd to put on a show for. However, that one mainly seems silly. |
Kari | Well, either way, if your theory on crowds of Neopians triggering your visions is correct, I'm afraid we are running out of time. There are only a few days left until the Festival of Neggs ends. |
Orion | Yeah...if it ends so might my visions, and we won't know why I am receiving them once more. In that case, we all need to get back out there! I can feel that we are close to answers! |

Next sleep in 1h, 12m, 27s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST