Saving Dacardia

Saving Dacardia also has an NC portion to partner with the Neopoint donations. Players are able to donate their unwanted NC items and receive a Donation Badge, which can, in turn, be redeemed in groups of 3, 6, 9, or 12 for exclusive prizes! The event will run from September 14th through September 28th, 2020. All Donation Badges must be turned in by 11:59 pm NST on September 24th in order to get your prizes.

How it Works

Neopians wishing to participate must first purchase a Donation Box from the NC Mall. These can also be gifted like regular NC items through a gift box, and come in packs of 3, 30, 60, or 90. You will need to unpack your Donation Box in your Inventory before you can use it. From there, the steps are the same as the NP portion of the event. In your Inventory, click on each item you want to donate and press the yellow button to donate it. Each box holds 1 item, so if you bought a 3-pack, you can donate 3 items.

Once you've selected your items for donating, head over to Charity Corner . From there, review your items and if you're satisfied with the items you want to donate, click the lever on the machine. Afterwards, you can see how many Donation Badges you earned for your items.

Now that you have some Donation Badges, it's time to turn them in! Head on over to The Gift Shop . At the top, you'll see how many badges you have available for redemption. From there you can choose from the list of items available. You'll be prompted with a message to confirm your selection.

Redemption Prizes

For each donation made, a Donation Badge will be issued. You can then go to the Gift Shop and redeem your badges for prizes! The prizes cost different amounts of badges. The prizes and the number of badges required to trade in for them are listed below.

Prizes for 3 Badges
Prizes for 6 badges
Prizes for 9 Badges
Prizes for 12 Badges
Written by Mouseykins
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