ACX Altador Rising

Altador's history holds some exciting events. To discover the historical past of Altador, visit each of the four monuments. These four monuments are Playtime in Altador, The Kickoff, The Games Begin and Festivals of Altador. Every Monday for the duration of the event a new time turner will be available and a new monument unlocked. Go forth and learn some of Altador's history.

This event will run from June 1st-29th. The first Time Turner will allow you access to Playtime in Altador. You can claim your prizes on already purchased and activated time turners anytime you visit an access area. There is no time limit in collecting your daily prize. You will be able to return to the page to claim your prize as long as the Rising Altador page is still accessible, but only if you have an activated Time Turner.

Sadly, this year there won't be a bonus item prize for participating in this event. During the event, you will only be able to collect prizes once for each location per account, but you will be able to participate in this event on your side accounts.

Once you have purchased your time turner, go to your inventory to activate it. Upon activating your first time turner, visit the Playtime in Altador monument to receive your prize.

Important Note: Altador Rising will be available until July 5, 2015.

The Altador Rising Prizes

Playtime in Altador

Festivals of Altador

The Games Begin

The Kickoff
Written by Mouseykins
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