The Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen is located in the Neopian Marketplace. Everyday, the Soup Faerie prepares tasty soup in her giant magical cauldron and she offers a meal to the poor, famished and bony Neopets. Her kindness is possible because of the donations made to the Money Tree . On January 31st of Y9, the Neopet News was dedicated to soup and the Soup Kitchen was opened to all Neopets for this very special occasion!
Follow this link to visit the Soup Kitchen, or simply click on the house shaped like a cauldron in the Neopian Marketplace

Mmmmmmmm! This soup is delicious!
The Soup Faerie will only accept to feed your pets if you are really poor. In fact, she will refuse to hand you a wooden spoon and a bowl of soup if you possess more than 3,000 NP. It includes the neopoints that are in your bank account, in your shop till and what you have on-hand. If you are poor, you will see pictures of your pet and their hunger status. You can feed each of your pet with soup until they are bloated for free! They will surely appreciate the different variety of soup that are available at the Soup Kitchen.

Soups & Other Stuff
When you feed your pet at the soup kitchen you're re-directed to a new page that tell you what kind of soup your pet had or a nice thank you from your pet for feeding them. Just for laughs we have complied a list of soups and other things your pet says. This is really just for fun as the type of soup has no impact at all when using the Soup Kitchen.
- 'Fantastic - Mulligatawny soup is my favourite!'
- 'Two in a Bowl Mushroom and Chokato - wow!'
- 'Ewwww... asparagus and chutney soup isn't that nice...'
- 'Mmmmmmmm Potato and Leek - you're the best!!'
- 'This vegetable soup is nice, but why is there a lump of dung floating in it?!'
- 'Turnip Broth... thats my favourite kind :)'
- 'Negg Soup, lovely!'
- 'But there is no soup in this bowl... ohhhh, it's invisible soup!'
- 'Mmmmmmmm Chicken and Vegetable, my fave!'
- 'Well I really wanted Minestrone, but that will do.'
- 'Golden Juppie Soup, I didn't think such a thing existed!'
- 'Yum Yum!!! Lamb Broth Rules!!!'
- 'Starberry Soup - My Favourite!'
- 'AIEE!!! This Cornupepper soup is extremely hot!'
Aside from telling you what they ate, your neopet might also have some kind words for you:
- 'That is really nice tasting soup!'
- 'Thanks!!! I needed that!'
- 'Mmmmmmmm thanks I needed that!'
- 'Thanks I was really hungry'
- 'That is some fine tasting soup!'
The Soup Faerie avatar is randomly awarded while feeding your pets at the Soup Kitchen. If you are too rich to eat at the Soup Kitchen, you can temporary move all Neopoints to your side account, using the Trading Post, and then feed your famished pets at the Soup Kitchen until you get the avatar.

Next sleep in 1h, 17m, 17s.

Mar 25: 9 AM/PM NST
Mar 26: 2 AM/PM NST
Mar 27: 7 AM/PM NST
Mar 28: 12 AM/PM NST