Cooking Pot Recipes
Ever wondered what items you could put into the cooking pot? Wasted hours trying to figure it out yourself? Well read our extensive list of every possible combination for the cooking pot and start mixing up a storm!
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Weak Bottled Faeries
With the opening of the new Abilities Academy, new bottled faeries were released. The old faeries are now "fading" and have to be combined in the cooking pot to strengthen their magic. Combining any 3 Fading Faeries in the Cooking Pot will reward you with one of the new Weak Bottled Faeries. The new faerie you make does not depend on the old faeries you mix. The recipe is random. For example, combining three Fading Fire Faeries is NOT guaranteed to give you a Weak Bottled Fire Faerie, it could give you any of the six Weak Faeries. p>
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