Days 11 to 15

Day 11 - Sophie's Stew

Difficulty: We think this dare is easy.
(Read our full guide.)

Quick tips:

  • Try hitting with the right tip of your wand.
  • Hit the Droolik for power ups.

Cheat codes: hungrymeowclops - one extra life, if you are down one

Day 12 - Barf Boat

Daily Prize:

Barf Boat Stamp

Difficulty: We think this dare is easy.
(Read our full guide.)

Quick tips:

  • Try rolling off extra petpets and controlling one or two at a time.
  • Tap your arrow keys to make sure you don't tip the boat too far.
  • You can use spacebar to jump to avoid bombs, at the risk of losing all your petpets.

Cheat codes: none

Day 13 - Meepit Juice Break

Daily Prize:

Meepit Juice Jar

Difficulty: We think this dare is medium.
(Read our full guide.)

Quick tips:

  • Try to math the color of the juice pipes to the color of the meepit.
  • Collect bonuses to increase your score.

Cheat codes:
  • meepits or hungrymeepits: gives you an extra life
  • juice-o-matic: resets all the Meepit's timers.

Day 14 - Hasee Bounce


Elderly Hasee

Difficulty: We think this dare is easy.
(Read our full guide.)

Quick tips:

  • Try to collect the letters to gain more time.
  • Create chains for added points.

Cheat codes: doughnutfruit - resets the clock, once per game

Day 15 - Carnival of Terror


Cream Pie

Difficulty: We think this dare is easy.
(Read our full guide.)

Quick tips:

  • Try to hit the clown parts in order to maximize your points: umbrella, head, arm, legs and body.
  • Shoot ammo crates to gain extra ammo.
  • Shoot the falling clocks to gain extra time.
  • Shoot the health crates to gain extra health.

Cheat codes: custard - adds more life
piecrust - adds more ammo